Archive | 2019/11/20

TSUE na wojnie z Izraelem. „To jest antysemicka i antyizraelska decyzja”

TSUE na wojnie z Izraelem. „To jest antysemicka i antyizraelska decyzja”

Jakub Mielnik

Flaga UE przed siedzibą KE / Źródło: Fotolia / fot. Andrey Kuzmin

Sąd UE orzekł, że Izrael musi specjalnie oznaczać towary wyprodukowane na Zachodnim Brzegu Jordanu. Czy Unia chce w ten sposób wesprzeć bojkot gospodarczy Izraela?

– To jest antysemicka i antyizraelska decyzja – mówi „Wprost” eurodeputowany Alexandr Vondra, były minister obrony i spraw zagranicznych Czech, weteran antykomunistycznej opozycji i były doradca prezydenta Vaclava Havla. Jego słowa to reakcja na orzeczenie Europejskiego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości, który nakazał precyzyjne oznaczanie pochodzenia towarów, produkowanych przez żydowskich osadników na terenach zajętych przez Izrael w 1967 roku. UE uważa izraelskie osadnictwo na tych ziemiach za nielegalne. Stąd decyzja sądu, który uznał, że konsumenci w Europie mają prawo wiedzieć, skąd dokładnie pochodzą sprzedawane w naszych sklepach towary Made in Israel.

„Orzeczenie europejskiego sądu naprawdę budzi wiele wątpliwości”

Europoseł Vondra, który jest także członkiem parlamentarnej delegacji europejsko-izraelskiej, ma prawo do swoich ocen. Można uznać za dyskusyjne mieszanie przez niego decyzji niekorzystnych dla Izraela z zarzutem antysemityzmu. Jednak orzeczenie europejskiego sądu naprawdę budzi wiele wątpliwości, szczególnie wobec gwałtownie przybierających na sile antysemickich nastrojów w UE.

Dotąd przypisywano je głównie muzułmańskim imigrantom, trzymającym stronę Palestyńskich współbraci w sporze z Izraelem. Okazuje się jednak, że niechęć do Żydów to nie jest domena imigrantów. To stuprocentowi Europejczycy atakują synagogi w Niemczech czy grożą śmiercią 90-letniej włoskiej senator, która przeżyła Auschwitz, żeby zostać objęta ochroną we współczesnym Mediolanie. A Francuzi, tolerujący antysemickie ekscesy do tego stopnia, że Żydzi masowo opuszczają kraj, gdzie narodziła się wolność, równość i braterstwo? Czy naprawdę do tego ponurego trendu muszą dołączać także unijne instytucje, zasłaniając się dbałością o prawa europejskich konsumentów?

„Czy przybliża to jakieś sensowne rozwiązania sytuacji na Bliskim Wschodzie?”

Wiadomo przecież, że rozmaite lewicowe partie i organizacje w Europie od lat próbują wprowadzić bojkot gospodarczy Izraela, by ukarać ten kraj za okupację ziem palestyńskich. Budzi ona w UE powszechne oburzenie. Mało kto jednak zadaje sobie pytanie, czy Izrael byłby tak bezwzględny dla swoich arabskich sąsiadów, gdyby od ponad pół wieku nie próbowali oni wymazać państwa żydowskiego z mapy Bliskiego Wschodu wszelkimi dostępnymi sposobami?

W Europie ten punkt widzenia nie jest jednak tak powszechnie podzielany jak współczucie dla palestyńskiej niedoli. Tyle, że jest ona w dużej mierze skutkiem bezmyślnej polityki ich przywódców a nie zbrodniczej rzekomo polityki Izraela. Palestyńscy przywódcy w upartym odmawianiu Izraelowi prawa do istnienia umacniani są od lat. Nie tylko przez graczy z Bliskiego Wschodu, którzy tak jak Syria czy Iran mają swoje porachunki z Izraelem, ale także przez takie jak ta powyżej, absurdalne decyzje unijnych instytucji. Poklask tłumu aktywistów, zaangażowanych w zwalczania izraelskiego imperializmu jest murowany. Tylko czy przybliża to jakieś sensowne rozwiązania sytuacji na Bliskim Wschodzie? Niestety obawiam się, że wręcz odwrotnie.

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11 killed as Israel strikes over 20 Iranian, Syrian regime targets

11 killed as Israel strikes over 20 Iranian, Syrian regime targets


IAF attacks Syrian and Iranian targets in Syria, November 20, 2019

Israel warned Iran from carrying out further attacks against the Jewish State after Israeli Air Force fighter jets carried out a wave of retaliatory air strikes against dozens of military targets belonging to the Iranian Quds Force (IRGC) and the Syrian army on Tuesday night in Syria.

Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said following the strikes that “the rules have changed: Anyone who shoots at the State of Israel during the day will not sleep at night. Like last week and now this week. Our message to Iran’s leaders is simple: You are no longer immune. Wherever you stretch your tentacles-we will hack them off. The IDF will continue to protect Israeli citizens “

According to a senior official in Israel’s Defense Establishment, the “head of the Iranian octopus” sits in Tehran but continues to attempt to surround Israel with proxy groups-Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iranian militias in Syria, Islamic Jihad and to some extent Hamas.

“We have not yet threatened the head of the octopus – Tehran. But it is possible to start approaching the head of the Iranian octopus,” he warned.
IDF Spokesperson Brig.Gen. Hidai Zilberman told reporters on Wednesday the tens of targets struck in Damascus, west of Damascus and the Syrian Golan Heights overnight belonging both to the regime of Bashar al-Assad and Quds Force were carried out within minutes and were all located within 80 kilometers of Israel’s border.

While the launchers which fired the rockets on Tuesday morning were not struck, some 20 other targets struck included advanced air defense systems (not the Russian-made S-300 missile defense batteries), surface-to-air missiles, reconnaissance sites and warehouses, the National Defense Building at the Damascus International Airport which houses the Quds Force headquarters and other military positions.

According to the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), 11 people, including seven non-Syrians who are most likely Iranians, were killed in the Israeli airstrikes. The senior Israel defense official acknowledged that there were injuries and a number of Iranian fatalities.

Numerous others were injured, including a young woman who was wounded by shrapnel that hit the suburb of Qudsaya, west of Damascus.

“We express the wish for a speedy recovery for them,” the Assad government said in a statement carried by state news agency SANA.

  Majd Fahd 🇸🇾 @Syria_Protector

Breaking video footage emerges huge fire ripping through unknown object in southern amid airstrikes.

Embedded video

According to the senior Israeli defense official, the strikes were one of the largest which struck Iranian targets in Syria and was finalized Tuesday night by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, Defense Minister Naftali Bennett and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi at the Kirya Military Headquarters in Tel Aviv.

“Iran struck Israel, we can’t forget that. Iran attacked Israel and that’s not acceptable,” he continued, saying that Israel will strike harshly without giving any warning if attacked in the future.

“We are changing the rules. Even when it comes to almost negligible attacks, whose impact is small, we are changing the equation and our retaliatory attack will be widespread. When I looked at the South when a small number of rockets are fired and we respond with a small retaliatory strike, then that sort of situation gets to be acceptable. We have to strike harshly to all attacks,” the official said, noting the link of the assassination of Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Bahaa abu al-Ata in Gaza and the rockets of yesterday.

According to the senior officer in the defense establishment, the National Defense Building, which used to be a hotel, was a center for the Quds force.
“We will not let Iran entrench in Syria,” Zilberman said, adding that the IDF “is prepared to respond harshly to further attacks if necessary. We will not accept an Iranian force near our borders and will continue to work against it.”

Local Syrian media reported that two residential buildings were also struck from shrapnel from a Syrian air defense missile fired towards Israeli jets, sending one family including two children to hospital.
Syria responded quickly to the airstrikes, publishing numerous photos and According to SANA, Damascus promised to provide assistance to those who suffered the “brutal Israeli aggression” by repairing the homes of those affected.

It said that help would arrive immediately to those areas struck, with rescue teams sent to clear rubble in the village of Beit Saber in the Sasa district south of Damascus where a house was destroyed. According to SOHR, a man along with his wife and son were pulled from the rubble of the home Ambulances and fire engines were sent to other areas.
“During the attack, Syrian air missiles were fired, despite a clear warning that was ignored. As a result, several Syrian aerial defense batteries were destroyed,” the IDF said.

While the main goal were Iranian targets, the official said, the secondary goal were six air-to-ground missile batteries belonging to the Syrian regime “to maintain freedom of action and protect our pilots.”

While the IDF Spokesperson stressed that no special instructions for the North have been given, the military was prepared for three possible scenarios: no response, a minor response, and a more significant response.
“The IDF is highly prepared for a variety of scenarios and will continue to operate as required for the security of the citizens of the State of Israel. The Home Front Command instructions should be obeyed if required.”

The strike which began around 1AM on Wednesday morning was carried out in response to four rockets which the IDF said were launched by an Iranian force from Syrian territory towards northern Israeli territory in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

All rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system, causing no damage or injuries.

“The Iranian attack against Israeli territory yesterday is further proof of the current Iranian purpose in Syria. Their presence in the region is a danger to Israel’s security, regional stability and to the Syrian regime,” the military said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement following the attack, saying in it that “I made it clear that whoever harms us – we will harm them.”

“That is what we did tonight in Syria against Iranian Quds Force targets and Syrian military targets, after rockets were fired from its territory towards Israel. We will continue to aggressively guard the security of Israel.”
Syrian news agency Sana reported that Syrian regime air defense systems were able to intercept some of the 11 of the 18 missiles fired by a total of 6 jets before they were able to reach their targets.

According to SANA, regime defenses came under “a heavy attack” by Israeli fighter jets that targeted the Damascus area from the Israeli Golan Heights and Lebanese airspace near the town of Marjayoun.

Israel has been carrying out a war-between-wars campaign since 2013 in an attempt to prevent Iran and its proxies like Hezbollah from obtaining advanced weapons to use against the Jewish state and from entrenching itself in Syria.

Thousands of strikes have been carried out over the years in Syria and according to foreign reports has seen strikes in neighboring Iraq.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have warned in recent weeks of the increased threat posed by the Islamic Republic which they say is getting bolder and more willing to respond to Israeli attacks on Iranian and Iranian-backed militias and infrastructure.

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Egyptian Actor Responds to Backlash for Starring With Gal Gadot

Egyptian Actor Responds to Backlash for Starring With Israeli Actress Gal Gadot in ‘Wonder Woman’ Sequel

Shiryn Ghermezian

Amr Waked. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

Egyptian actor Amr Waked took to Twitter on Sunday to defend himself after anti-Israel activists criticized him for starring alongside Israeli actress Gal Gadot in the “Wonder Woman” sequel, “Wonder Woman 1984.”

After Waked announced on Saturday that he would appear in the superhero film, set to premiere in 2020, social media users attacked him, with one writing on Twitter, “F–k you. Amr. You are a traitor,” and others expressing disappointment in his decision and calling on him to withdraw his part in the film.

One Twitter user wrote, “You are a man of morals..nothing moral in working with apartheid enthusiasts @amrwaked QUIT NOW!” while another tweeted, “you’re a hypocrite & a disgrace to all arabs. normalizers have absolutely no place among us. i hope u find whatever it is ur looking for in the us because we want u as far away from us as possible.”

Others attacked Gadot, saying, “Gal Gadot prayed for Israeli criminals who killed 2,400 Palestinians in 2014! Shame on Amr Waked,” while one BDS supporter asked Waked, “From a moral standpoint, are you okay with filming with an actress who is vocal in her support of her government which on a daily basis dehumanizes, kills, tortures, and imprisons another people? Or are the values you uphold elastic enough to accommodate such an issue? #BDS.”

Waked addressed the critics by tweeting: “Art taught me to be a human before anything else, to champion human values, justice, and morals. It taught me to stand up against the [faulty] act and behavior, rather than the individual. It taught me to be committed to humanity rather than anything else. I work on that day and night, and I combat extremism, grudges, and hate towards anyone- or at least I try my best to.”

The actor previously received backlash in 2008 for starring alongside Israeli actor Yigal Naor in the BBC mini-series “House of Saddam.”

In March, Waked met with members of the US Congress to raise awareness of alleged human rights violations by the Egyptian government and called for international solidarity with Egyptians. Not long after, the Egyptian Actor’s Syndicate revoked Waked’s membership and accused him of “high treason to the nation and to the Egyptian people.”

Earlier that same month, Waked told ABC News he feared returning to Egypt from Europe, where he now resides, because he had been sentenced to eight years in military prison for publicly criticizing the government of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

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