Education Assistants` General Agreement 2019 Wa Jdf

Education Assistants` General Agreement 2019 WA JDF: A Win for the Education Industry

In 2019, the Education Assistants` General Agreement (EAGA) of Western Australia (WA) came into effect, bringing in a range of changes to the education industry. The EAGA is a document that outlines the working conditions, pay scales, and other relevant information about the employment of education assistants.

Education assistants are a crucial part of the education industry. They support teachers by providing assistance to students who need extra support, such as those with disabilities or learning difficulties. The role of an education assistant involves helping teachers with classroom management, undertaking administrative tasks, and assisting with the delivery of lesson plans.

The education industry is constantly evolving, and it is essential to keep up with the latest developments to ensure that education assistants are provided with the best support possible. This is where the EAGA comes in, as it provides a framework for ensuring that education assistants` rights and needs are met.

The EAGA 2019 WA JDF brought in significant changes to the education industry. One of the key changes was the introduction of a 17.5% pay increase for education assistants. This was a significant win for the industry, as education assistants had previously been paid lower wages than other professionals in the education sector.

In addition to the pay increase, the EAGA also introduced a range of other benefits for education assistants. These included improved job security provisions, the introduction of a new classification system for education assistants, and a new framework for managing workloads.

One of the most significant changes brought in by the EAGA was the introduction of the new classification system for education assistants. This system provides a clear career path for education assistants, ensuring that they can progress in their careers and take on more senior roles within the education industry.

The EAGA 2019 WA JDF was the result of many years of hard work and negotiation between the education union and the Western Australian government. The agreement is a testament to the value that education assistants bring to the education industry and the importance of recognizing their contribution.

In conclusion, the Education Assistants` General Agreement 2019 WA JDF was a significant win for the education industry. It brought in a range of benefits for education assistants, including a pay increase, improved job security provisions, and a new classification system. These changes ensure that education assistants are recognized for the valuable support they provide to teachers and students and that they are provided with the support they need to progress in their careers.

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