Archive | 2024/06/01

W Madrycie władzę sprawuje antyhiszpański rząd

W Madrycie władzę sprawuje antyhiszpański rząd

Alberto M. Fernandez
Tłumaczenie: Malgorzata Koraszewska

Wiadomość, że 28 maja 2024 roku Norwegia, Irlandia i Hiszpania uznały państwo palestyńskie przykuła uwagę świata. Gratulacje dla krajów europejskich złożyli Hamas i talibowie. Były również ostre reakcje na tę decyzję wszystkich tych trzech krajów, chociaż większość gniewu i goryczy opinii publicznej skupiła się na Hiszpanii.

Izraelski minister spraw zagranicznych Israel Katz odpowiedział 27 maja, oskarżając Hiszpanię o „nagradzanie terroryzmu” i dodał, że „dni Inkwizycji dobiegły końca”. [1] Wcześniej ubolewał nad oświadczeniami hiszpańskich przedstawicieli, wspominając, że aby „zrozumieć, do czego naprawdę dąży radykalny islam, powinna przestudiować 700 lat rządów islamskich w Al-Andalus – dzisiejszej Hiszpanii”. [2] Inne, nieoficjalne, proizraelskie głosy skupiały się na wygnaniu Żydów przez katolickich monarchów Ferdynanda i Izabelę w 1492 r. oraz nawoływały do uznania niepodległej Katalonii.

Jeszcze inni szydzili z hiszpańskiej historii i kultury, wymieniając z drwiną taniec flamenco lub walki byków. Amerykański konserwatysta Dennis Prager w swoim podcaście skomentował, że „kiedy Hiszpania wyrzuciła Żydów w 1492 r., była jedną z największych potęg na ziemi. Po 1492 r. ludzie pytali: ‘Gdzie jest Hiszpania?’. Wraz z wypędzeniem Żydów w 1492 r., z dnia na dzień stała się gigantyczna katastrofa i stała się niczym”. [3]

Krytyka, czy to mądra, czy głupia, pokazała podstawowe niezrozumienie dzisiejszej Hiszpanii, hiszpańskiej polityki oraz natury antysemityzmu i antyizraelskiej retoryki. To, co przydarzyło się Hiszpanii i Izraelowi, nie jest bowiem jakimś powrotem atawistycznej kastylijsko-katolickiej „nienawiści do Żydów”, ale czymś bardziej powszechnym. To tak, jakby złowroga młodzież – po części komunistyczna, po części islamistyczna – którą widzimy, jak protestuje w obronie Palestyny na kampusach uniwersyteckich na Zachodzie, faktycznie rządziła krajem.

Odpowiadanie na uznanie przez Hiszpanię państwa palestyńskiego przypominaniem Inkwizycji, roku 1492, katolicyzmu lub walk byków może w niektórych kręgach wydawać się powierzchownie satysfakcjonujące, ale w rzeczywistości jest niedorzeczne, ponieważ obecni polityczni władcy Hiszpanii gardzą tymi wszystkim rzeczami. Rządząca w Hiszpanii koalicja skrajnej lewicy z lewicowymi separatystami katalońsko-baskijskimi opowiada się za niepodległością Katalonii, jest łagodna wobec historii islamskich rządów w Hiszpanii i jest niezłomnie antykatolicka. To lewica w Hiszpanii chce zezwolić na islamskie modlitwy w katedrze-meczecie w Kordobie. To lewica w Hiszpanii zachęca do nielegalnej imigracji z krajów muzułmańskich do Hiszpanii, co stanowi rodzaj przeciwdziałania „rekonkwiście”. Woleliby wymazać wszystko, co w Hiszpanii jest stare, charakterystyczne lub „hiszpańskie”. Separatystyczni władcy Katalonii z radością przyjęli migrację islamu, a nawet rozprzestrzenianie się salafizmu w swoim regionie, pod warunkiem, że nowo przybyli nie popełnią grzechu głównego, jakim jest mówienie po hiszpańsku.

Hiszpania ma najbardziej lewicowy rząd w Europie i jedyny, w którym zasiadają prawdziwi zagorzali komuniści. Socjalistyczny premier Pedro Sanchez nie objąłby dziś władzy bez wsparcia komunistycznych sojuszników (rywalizujących ze sobą, skrajnie lewicowych partii Sumar i Podemos) oraz bez aprobaty katalońskich i baskijskich separatystów, z których większość również skłania się w stronę lewicy. Choć anglojęzyczne media wiele już wylały atramentu na temat rzekomych niebezpieczeństw związanych z prawicą w krajach takich jak Węgry, Polska czy Włochy, lewicowy, skorumpowany i coraz bardziej autorytarny reżim w Madrycie nie pojawia się na ich radarze. Dzieje się tak prawdopodobnie dlatego, że sama biurokracja UE skłania się w lewo. Natomiast szef polityki zagranicznej UE od 2019 r. Josep Borrell jest hiszpańskim katalońskim socjalistą. Jego dawni towarzysze w Madrycie są otwartymi sojusznikami Wenezueli i Kuby, a ich poglądy na temat Izraela są nawet bliższe poglądom zagorzałej lewicy Ameryki Łacińskiej niż partii socjaldemokratycznych w Europie Zachodniej. Sam Sanchez stale przesuwał hiszpańskich socjalistów (PSOE) na lewo od miejsca, w którym znajdowali się za czasów premiera Felipe Gonzaleza.

Hiszpania ogłosiła embargo na broń do Izraela 7 października 2023 r., w chwili masakry Żydów i przed jakąkolwiek inwazją w Gazie. [4] Największa ostra krytyka Izraela – wezwania do „Od rzeki do morza” i oskarżanie Izraela o ludobójstwo rozpoczęły się dawno temu na hiszpańskiej skrajnej lewicy, a następnie stopniowo migrowały do całej rządzącej koalicji lewicowo-skrajnie lewicowej. Wicepremier Yolanda Diaz (Sumar) i była minister równości Irene Montero (Podemos) użyły go jako pierwsze, a potem w końcu dało się to usłyszeć z ust socjalistów, a 25 maja minister obrony Margarita Robles powiedziała, że to, co Izrael robi w Gazie jest „autentycznym ludobójstwem”. [5]

W Hiszpanii proizraelska jest prawica polityczna. To ta sama prawica, która jest monarchistyczna, konserwatywna, głównie katolicka i jest przeciwna niepodległości Katalonii, która jest także przeciwna lewicowym reżimom w Ameryce Łacińskiej, jak Kuba i Wenezuela, i która jest przeciwna masowej fali nielegalnej imigracji do Hiszpanii, wspomaganej przez lewicowy rząd. Zdecydowanie najbardziej konsekwentnym proizraelskim głosem politycznym w Hiszpanii jest konserwatywna partia Vox (często – fałszywie – opisywana przez lewicę i media jako „skrajnie prawicowa” lub „ultraprawicowa”), trzecia co do wielkości partia w Hiszpanii. Centroprawicowa Partia Ludowa (PP) również jest bardziej proizraelską niż hiszpańska lewica.

Rosnąca bliskość zachodnich partii lewicowych z islamskimi i importowanymi ideologiami „antykolonialnymi/antyimperialistycznymi” jest zjawiskiem powszechnym. Hiszpania odgrywa ważną rolę w tym równaniu, ponieważ lewica jest już u władzy i być może stanowi model „postępowej” polityki zagranicznej, który może będziemy częściej oglądać na Zachodzie w miarę zmian demograficznych i presji na lewicę zarówno ze strony własnego skrajnie lewicowego skrzydła, jak i wschodzącej populistycznej prawicy.

Dzisiejsza Hiszpania wygląda tak, jakby „Szwadron” z amerykańskiej Izby Reprezentantów USA lub francuska LFI-NUPES rządziła krajem. Nie ma ani jednej modnej koncepcji amerykańskiej i europejskiej skrajnej lewicy, która nie zostałaby przyjęta lub przynajmniej, o której nie mówiliby obecni rządzący w Madrycie. Jeśli chodzi o Gazę, imigrację, aborcję, eutanazję i feminizm czwartej fali, są oni wręcz przewidywalni.

Polityka w Hiszpanii wydaje się coraz bardziej wenezuelska. Kraj nękają bardzo poważne problemy gospodarcze i wysokie bezrobocie, paląca kwestia separatyzmu katalońskiego i baskijskiego, złe zarządzanie i katastrofalny spadek liczby urodzeń – ale dziś w kraju najgorętsze obecnie problemy – promowane przez socjalistów Sancheza i jego komunistycznych sojuszników – to antyizraelskie wrzaski, trwająca wojna na słowa z libertariańskim prezydentem Argentyny Javierem Mileim i wiecznie żywa hiszpańska kampania lewicowa przeciwko dawno zmarłemu Caudillo Francisco Franco (zm. 1975) i wszystkim jego dziełom. Jeśli możesz ciągle mówić o Gazie, Mileim i Franco, możesz uniknąć pytań o korupcję w rządzie lub o łamanie konstytucji poprzez nieuczciwe pakty z baskijskimi sympatykami terrorystów i katalońskimi separatystami, lub o bezrobocie, niekompetencję i coraz bardziej brutalny autorytaryzm państwowy. Można to zrobić zwłaszcza wtedy, gdy większość mediów masz w kieszeni dzięki dotacjom rządowym.

*Alberto M. Fernandez jest wiceprezesem MEMRI.

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Turkish Textbooks: Turning History on Its Head

Turkish Textbooks: Turning History on Its Head
Uzay Bulut

  • Islamists in Turkey do not teach schoolchildren that Jews have been indigenous to Israel for nearly 4000 years — since the Bronze Age — and that the reestablishment of Israel in 1948 was actually an anti-colonialist step.
  • Meanwhile, Turkish government authorities have targeted their own indigenous peoples of Anatolia, namely the Pontic Greeks and Armenians. In the twentieth century, Ottoman Turkey largely exterminated these peoples through a genocide.
  • The government of Turkey, however, refers to the genocide as the “unfounded claims” of Greeks and Armenians. The titles in the Turkish history textbooks were previously called the “Pontus Issue” and the “Armenian Question”. They are now changed to the “Unfounded Pontus Claims” and the “Unfounded Armenian Claims”.
  • “[T]his is not a [country ruled by the] state of law…” — Eren Keskin, Lawyer, Co-Chairman Human Rights Association (IHD).
  • The Turkish government is also in denial about the history of the land of Turkey. Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians are indigenous peoples of the land, just as Jews are indigenous to Israel. Muslim Turks from Central Asia arrived in the Armenian highlands and Anatoli, which was the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire at the time, only during the 11th century. Through military invasions, Muslim Turks seized the towns and cities where indigenous Christians had lived for centuries. Ottoman Turks finally invaded Constantinople (today’s Istanbul) in the fifteenth century, bringing the destruction of the Byzantine Empire. After that, abuses against Christian religious and cultural heritage became widespread.
  • The new Turkish textbooks also claim Greek and Cypriot waters in the Aegean Sea as belonging to Turkey. Through a doctrine that the government of Turkey calls “the Blue Homeland”, they aim to seize Greek islands and maritime space in the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas.
  • Sadly, these textbooks will sow more hatred in Turkish children against Jews, Greeks, Christians, Armenians, Greek Cypriots and the State of Israel — all based on misinformation, willful distortion, and historic revisionism.

Turkey’s Islamist government under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is preparing to further indoctrinate Turkish schoolchildren in propaganda regarding Israel, Greeks, Armenians, Cyprus and other issues of history and geography. Pictured: Students participate in an event, held in an Istanbul primary school, for National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, on April 23, 2024. (Photo by Ilker Eray/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images)

Turkey’s Islamist government under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is preparing to further indoctrinate Turkish schoolchildren in propaganda regarding Israel, Greeks, Armenians, Cyprus and other issues of history and geography.

New content, named “Turkey’s Century Education Model”, was added to this year’s curriculum and only recently made available for public opinion by the Ministry of National Education.

Additions were made, among other studies, to the “History of the Revolution of Turkish Republic and Kemalism”, and geography, regarding Israel, Greeks, Armenians, Cyprus and others.

Turkish history textbooks will include more content on “Palestine”, Israel and Zionism. The misleading chapter on the subject matter, which already existed, has now been extended even further.

The topic, previously addressed as “the Problem of Zionism”, in now, in an expanded version, “Zionist movements, the Palestine issue and the transformation of colonialism”. The new generation of Turkey’s children is now being indoctrinated to become increasingly anti-Israel.

Islamists in Turkey do not teach schoolchildren that Jews have been indigenous to Israel for nearly 4,000 years — since the Bronze Age — and that the reestablishment of Israel as an independent state in 1948 was actually an anti-colonialist step.

“Zion” literally means Jerusalem. Zionism is a movement or idea that supports the Jewish right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland, the territory that is now the State of Israel.

The truth that Turkish children need to know is explained by the American Jewish Committee (AJC):

“As Israel continues to defend itself against the terrorist group Hamas, a war of information is unfolding around the world. One of the slogans most commonly used claims Israel is a ‘settler colonial enterprise.’ By charging Israel with colonizing Palestinians, Hamas and its supporters are manipulating the cause of racial justice to advance their terrorist goals – all while hoping no one notices Israel has been the homeland of the Jewish people since the Bronze Age.

“The truth is that the Jewish people are indigenous to the land of Israel and first achieved self-determination there 3,000 years ago.

“The Romans expelled the majority of Jews in 70 C.E., but the Jewish people have always been present in the land of Israel. A portion of the Jewish population remained in Israel throughout the years, and those who lived in the Diaspora yearned to return to the Jewish homeland and the holy Jewish city of Jerusalem, both of which are mentioned multiple times in daily Jewish prayers. This historical and religious link for Jewish people to the land of Israel is indisputable—even the word ‘Jew’ comes from Judea, the ancient name for Israel.

“As Jews around the world faced increasing persecution at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries, they began moving to what is now Israel in greater numbers. Since Israel’s establishment shortly after the Holocaust, Jews have moved to Israel from all over the world, seeking a place to call home in which they can live freely and safely as Jews. At the same time, Jewish and Israeli leaders have consistently acknowledged the presence of Palestinian Arabs and have supported efforts to partition the land into Jewish and Arab states, from 1937 to the present day. The best-known attempt to divide the land came in the form of the 1947 UN Partition Plan, which was accepted by the local Jewish population but rejected by their Arab neighbors, who waged war to eliminate the Jewish state. More recently, successive Israeli prime ministers have offered to concede more than 90% of the West Bank and all of Gaza to create a Palestinian state alongside Israel. Palestinian leaders, however, have consistently rejected efforts at bringing about a two-state solution, as they did in 1947, and they continue to do so to this day.

‘Settler colonialism‘ refers to an attempt by an imperial power to replace the native population of a land with a new society of settlers. It cannot describe a reality in which a national group, acting on its behalf and not at the behest of an external power, returned to its historic homeland to achieve self-determination while simultaneously supporting the creation of a nation-state for another national group alongside the creation of their own state.”

Meanwhile, Turkish government authorities have targeted their own indigenous peoples of Anatolia, namely the Pontic Greeks and Armenians. In the twentieth century, Ottoman Turkey largely exterminated these peoples through a genocide.

Serious scholars, however, agree that Ottoman Turkey committed a genocide against Christians, namely Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians. In 2007, the International Association of Genocide Scholars issued a resolution, which said, in part:

“It is the conviction of the International Association of Genocide Scholars that the Ottoman campaign against Christian minorities of the Empire between 1914 and 1923 constituted a genocide against Armenians, Assyrians, and Pontian and Anatolian Greeks.”

According to Dr. Gregory H. Stanton, President of Genocide Watch, denial is the last stage of genocide:

“Denial is a continuation of a genocide because it is a continuing attempt to destroy the victim group psychologically and culturally, to deny its members even the memory of the murders of their relatives.”

The government of Turkey has aggressively denied this genocide ever since its founding in 1923. Many Turkish citizens have been tried in courts for publicly recognizing the slaughter as a genocide. Two human rights advocates with Turkey’s Human Rights Association (IHD) — Co-Chairman and Lawyer Eren Keskin and member of the IHD Commission Against Racism and Discrimination Gulistan Yarkın — were recently tried and acquitted of charges of “insulting the Turkish state and nation” for saying what was done to Armenians in 1915 was genocide, during a 2021 commemoration event for the 1915 Armenian Genocide.

Prior to the hearing, Keskin said:

“We did not insult anyone. We think that what happened before Turkey was founded was a genocide. I believe that the state [of Turkey] continues this idea [implements similar genocidal policies]. We think this should be discussed. We think this will liberate this geography of ours. It will contribute to the democratization of this country. No law prevents us from expressing this. Turkey was convicted on this issue.

“Normally, in [a country ruled by] the state of law, when this accusation comes before a prosecutor, he should say, ‘There is an ECHR [European Court of Human Rights] decision, Turkey was convicted on this issue, I cannot open this case’. But this is not a [country ruled by the] state of law, anyway. I think 1915 was genocide. The Turkish state should also face this issue and compensate for the damages [done to the victims]. I do not accept the accusation [directed against me].”

The Turkish government is also in denial about the history of the land of Turkey. Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians are indigenous peoples of the land, just as Jews are indigenous to Israel. Muslim Turks from Central Asia arrived in the Armenian highlands and Anatoli, which was the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire at the time, only during the 11th century. Through military invasions, Muslim Turks seized the towns and cities where indigenous Christians had lived for centuries. Ottoman Turks finally invaded Constantinople (today’s Istanbul) in the fifteenth century, bringing the destruction of the Byzantine Empire. After that, abuses against Christian religious and cultural heritage became widespread.

Hagia Sophia (Greek for “Holy Wisdom”), for instance, was built by Greeks in the 6th century as a church. Nearly 1,000 years later, Ottoman Turks converted the Hagia Sophia cathedral into a mosque, killing or enslaving the Christians inside. In 1930, the Turkish government converted Hagia Sophia to a museum, and in 2020, back into a mosque. This was the latest in a series of abuses against churches in Turkey and is part of a neo-Ottoman resurgence.

The new Turkish textbooks also claim Greek and Cypriot waters in the Aegean Sea as belonging to Turkey. Through a doctrine that the government of Turkey calls “the Blue Homeland”, they aim to seize Greek islands and maritime space in the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. This doctrine will be taught in geography classes at middle schools.

The Greek newspaper Kathimerini reports:

“The ‘Blue Homeland’ doctrine which envisages Turkish influence over large swaths of the Mediterranean and other seas at the expense of other countries in the region, including Greece, will be taught during the next school year, local media revealed.

“According to the Turkish Education Ministry’s recommendations that were made public by the Turkiye and Takvim newspapers, the maps and the Blue Homeland doctrine, as well another regarding influence in the air, will be taught in secondary school geography classes.

“The recommendations state that ‘the value of patriotism should be instilled as well as Turkey’s justified struggle against demands that ignore its legal and geographical rights in the Sea of Islands [i.e. the Aegean Sea] and the Eastern Mediterranean’.”

Turkey has threatened to invade Greek islands since at least 2018.

The draft curriculum, which includes suggestions for teachers, also addresses the history of Cyprus, which Turkey illegally invaded in 1974. It suggests that students prepare a report on the “injustices suffered by the Turks in Cyprus” to present at the United Nations.

Apparently, in Turkey, black is white and white is black. Turkey has illegally occupied 36% of the Republic of Cyprus since it invaded the island country through a brutal military campaign. Greek Cypriots were killed, raped, tortured, unlawfully arrested, forcibly “disappeared,” and put in labor camps. Around 160,000 Greek Cypriots fled their homes to escape the advancing Turkish army. To this day, the occupying forces impede the return of the forcibly displaced to their homes and property. Their property and possessions were forcibly seized and distributed to illegal settlers from Turkey. The Christian and Jewish cultural and religious heritage of the occupied area has largely been destroyed. Yet, the new curriculum in Turkey seriously suggests that teachers instruct students to write papers about the alleged “injustices against Turks in Cyprus”?

Sadly, these textbooks will sow more hatred in Turkish children against Jews, Greeks, Christians, Armenians, Greek Cypriots and the State of Israel — all based on misinformation, willful distortion, and historic revisionism.

Indoctrinating Turkish schoolchildren with these unjust biases — children who will oversee Turkish education and politics in the future — will only make Turkey even more aggressive in its foreign policy and more vicious to its minorities and dissenters at home.

Uzay Bulut, a Turkish journalist, is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Gatestone Institute.

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Biden Outlines New Gaza ‘Ceasefire’ Plan That Would Seemingly Leave Hamas Intact

Biden Outlines New Gaza ‘Ceasefire’ Plan That Would Seemingly Leave Hamas Intact

Corey Walker

US President Joe Biden at the White House, Washington, DC, May 31, 2024. Photo: REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein

US President Joe Biden on Friday outlined the details of a new plan to conclude the Israel-Hamas war that would seemingly leave the Palestinian terrorist group in control of the Gaza Strip.

Delivering a speech from the White House, Biden gave updates on his administration’s efforts to end the war in Gaza, laying out a proposed multi-phase plan that, in his words, would result in a “permanent cessation of hostilities” between the Jewish state and Hamas, which launched the war by invading southern Israel, murdering 1,200 people, and abducting over 250 hostages on Oct. 7.

Biden explained that his administration has engaged in “intensive diplomacy” with the governments of Israel, Qatar, Egypt, and other unspecified Middle Eastern countries to hammer out the details of a potential ceasefire plan. 

“Israel has offered a comprehensive new proposal. It’s a roadmap to an enduring ceasefire and the release of all hostages. This proposal has been transmitted by Qatar to Hamas,” Biden said. 

Israel’s proposal consists of three phases, Biden said. The first phase would last six weeks and include a “full and complete ceasefire” between Israel and Hamas and the “withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas of Gaza.” The first phase would also include the “release of a number of hostages” in exchange for “the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.”

The remains of killed hostages would also be returned to Israeli families, and Palestinian civilians would “return to their homes” within all areas of Gaza. Biden added that humanitarian assistance into the Gaza Strip “would surge, with 600 trucks carrying aid into Gaza every single day.” In addition, the president promised that “hundreds of thousands of temporary shelters” would be erected for Gazan refugees. 

During this six-week period, Israel and Hamas would negotiate the “necessary arrangements” in order to transition to the second phase and a “permanent end” to the war, Biden explained. The negotiations during this transitional period would include measures to ensure Israel’s security. As long as negotiations continue, the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas would remain, Biden said. 

The second phase of the proposal would guarantee the release of all “remaining living hostages” and the removal of all Israeli forces from Gaza. Israel would promise the “permanent cessation of hostilities” if Hamas abides by the proposal, Biden claimed.

The third phase consists of a “major reconstruction” of the war-torn enclave and the delivery of the final batches of dead hostages’ remains back to Israeli families. 

Biden assured that Israel can make this offer to Hamas without an unnecessary risk to their security “because they’ve devastated Hamas forces over the past eight months.” He asserted that Israel’s military operations have rendered Hamas “no longer capable of carrying out another Oct. 7.” Israel would be allowed to continue with its war effort if Hamas breaks the terms of the agreement, Biden stipulated. 

Biden added that a coalition consisting of Israeli and Palestinian leaders, Middle Eastern countries, and the international community would work together to rebuild Gaza “in a manner that does not allow Hamas to rearm.”

“I know that there are those in Israel who will not agree with this plan and will call for the war to continue indefinitely,” he continued. “Some are even in the government coalition, and they’ve made it clear they want to occupy Gaza. They want to keep fighting for years, and hostages are not a priority for them.”

Israeli officials across the political aisle have consistently said that freeing the hostages kidnapped on Oct. 7 is a top priority of their military campaign in Gaza, along with incapacitating Hamas to the point that it can no longer pose a threat to the Israeli people.

Notably, toward the beginning of his remarks, Biden said the plan his foreign policy team negotiated would ensure a Gaza “without Hamas in power.” It’s unclear how that would work if a disarmed version of the terrorist group is allowed to remain the governing body of Gaza. Israel has also repeatedly asserted that Hamas will not be allowed to retain power within Gaza following its Oct. 7 slaughter, which Hamas leaders have promised to carry out “again and again.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office released a statement following Biden’s speech, vowing not to end the war until Israel has achieved the “elimination of Hamas’ military and governmental capabilities” — seemingly opposing the idea of allowing Hamas to remain in power.

“The government of Israel is united in its desire to return the hostages as soon as possible and is working to achieve this goal,” the statement said. “The prime minister authorized the negotiating team to present a proposal to that end, which would also enable Israel to continue the war until all its objectives are achieved, including the destruction of Hamas’ military and governing capabilities. The actual proposal put forward by Israel, including the conditional transition from one phase to the next, allows Israel to uphold these principles.”

During his address, Biden claimed that if Israel did not accept the deal and continued the war effort, the Jewish state could find itself “bogged down in Gaza” for the long-term. The president warned that this could potentially drain the economic, military, and human resources” of Israel along with solidifying the Jewish state’s “isolation” in the broader international community. 

Biden also stated that the end of the Israel-Hamas war could pave the way for a “normalization agreement” between the Jewish state and Saudi Arabia, adding that such an arrangement would allow Israel and the broader region to effectively combat any threats from Iran.

“It’s time for this war to end, and the day after to begin,” Biden said. 

Biden’s press conference came one day after Hamas outlined a ceasefire proposal with terms Israel found unacceptable. Hamas said Thursday that it would refuse to negotiate a release of hostages until Israel unilaterally withdrew its forces. Israeli officials have said any deal must include the release of hostages before they halt their military campaign.

On Friday, Hamas released a statement following Biden’s remarks, praising the plan outlined in his speech and claiming the terror group is willing to work with Israel “constructively” to work toward a ceasefire.

“The movement affirms its position of readiness to deal positively and constructively with any proposal based on a permanent ceasefire, complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, reconstruction, the return of the displaced to all their places of residence, and the completion of a serious prisoner exchange deal if the occupation declares its explicit commitment to that,” Hamas said.

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