Roger Waters Calls BBC ‘Completely Corrupt’

Roger Waters Calls BBC ‘Completely Corrupt’ for Ignoring Pitch of Documentary Denying Labour Antisemitism Problems

Shiryn Ghermezian

Roger Waters. Photo: Jethro via Wikimedia Commons.

Ex-Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters claimed the BBC was “completely corrupt” for failing to respond to his proposal to make a documentary to counterargue claims of antisemitism in the UK Labour Party.

The musician and vehement anti-Israel activist attacked the British public broadcaster during an online panel discussion last week — hosted by anti-Zionist author and American-Israeli activist Miko Peled — that focused on defending Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Waters referenced a July 2019 documentary by the “Panorama” program, screened by BBC1, that examined antisemitism in the Labour Party, charging it “was a shocking put-up job that just floated away on the clouds of rubbish that come out of the Ministry of Truth never to be seen again.”

“We can’t live with the disgusting nature of the deceit — the BBC having become completely corrupt,” he added, before saying, “I wrote to the BBC and suggested we make another ‘Panorama’ program showing the other side of the argument about alleged antisemitism in the Labour Party. They didn’t even answer.”

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