Archive | September 2023

Israel Daily News – September 27, 2023

Israel Daily News – September 27, 2023

ILTV Israel News

Israel sends Hamas a message following recent Gaza border violence. Tourism Minister Haim Katz becomes the first minister to visit Saudi Arabia, and Prime Minister Netanyahu shares lessons from the Yom Kippur war. And much more.


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Zanim Wowa Cynamon winiarzem bez winnicy został, do Izraela z Polski wyjechał

Fot. Władysław Czulak / Agencja

Zanim Wowa Cynamon winiarzem bez winnicy został, do Izraela z Polski wyjechał

Izabela Budakowska

Według mojej filozofii całe życie to jest przypadek. Przypadkiem pracowałem na Uniwersytecie Jerozolimskim na fakultecie rolniczym, gdzie odbywał się kurs chemii wina. Zapisałem się – mówi Zeev Cynamon, który zahaczył o zielonogórskie winobranie. – A teraz wam powiem, jak się nie robi wina.


Zielona Góra, czas wrześniowego winobrania. Piwnica winiarska na ulicy Wodnej. Zeev Cynamon siedzi na jednym z plastikowych krzeseł. Na głowie kaszkiet, do jeansów i sportowych butów dobrał marynarkę.

Fot. Władysław Czulak / Agencja

Wowa ma posturę człowieka, który wiele przeszedł, delikatnie pochyloną do przodu. Wzrokiem omiata piwnicę, ale wygląda, jakby spoglądał w rzeczywistość niedostępną dla obecnych. Jest winiarzem. Za chwilę opowie swoja historię. Widzowie się powoli zbierają. Z każdym wita się mocnym uściskiem ręki. Mówi ze śpiewnym, przedwojennym akcentem.

W Zielonej Górze – mówi – znalazł się przypadkiem.

Lechaim, czyli za życie

– Moja historia jest mikrohistorią żydowskiego narodu po wybuchu drugiej wojny światowej. To nie tylko ja, to tysiące innych przeszło tę samą włóczęgę, którą przeszli moi rodzice. Urodzili się na Mazowszu, w miejscowości Zieluń, to jest gdzieś w okolicy Mławy. I tatuś i mamusia to roczniki 1909. Kiedy Niemcy wkroczyli do Polski, część tamtejszych Żydów wyczuła, że idzie coś złego. Mieli jedno wyjście, przebrnąć się przez granicę, która już wtedy była radziecka. Za pozostałymi albo Niemcy, albo Ukraina, albo morze. Zostali ci, którzy myśleli „co oni nam zrobią?”. Znamy ich los. Zagadką jest, jak ci wszyscy ludzie dostali się do Kirgistanu, do Kazachstanu. Moja żona urodziła się w dzisiejszym Uzbekistanie. Jak oni się tam dostali? A dostali się, bo władza radziecka wywiozła ich od frontu wagonami. Z przyczyn jakich? Nie wiadomo. Może zobaczyli młodych ludzi, którzy przydaliby im się do pracy? Myśmy na Uralu nie mieli kolonii, ale też nie było obozu pracy. Po prostu tam się żyło, pracowało. Tam myśmy, pokolenie drugiej wojny światowej, się urodzili.

Cynamon na chwilę zawiesił głos.

– Na wiele pytań nie będę mógł odpowiedzieć, bo mój dom był jak klasztor milczków. Moi rodzice byli zamknięci, nie opowiadali, nie mówili. Ja się mogę tylko domyślać, co robili tam, jak pracowali. Tam było dużo jeńców niemieckich, może tatuś tam z nimi chodził? Mama może pracowała w kopalni niklu, nie mam żadnych dokumentów, nie wiem o tym nic.


Do Polski wrócili w 1946 roku, do Pietrolesia, dzisiejszych Pieszyc.

– Pierwsze spotkania i wspomnienia mam jednak z Dzierżoniowa. To było miasto, gdzie większa część, to byli ludzie, którzy wrócili ze Związku Radzieckiego. I większa część była Żydami. Myśmy jeszcze znaleźli ciepłe łóżka i kredensy, tamci ludzie odeszli, wysiedlali ich. Długo tam jednak nie zabawiliśmy. Najważniejsza przyczyna to była praca dla rodziców, bo oni nie mieli specjalnych zawodów. W Dzierżoniowie pewnie pracy dla nich nie było. Mama miała brata z Wrocławia i pomyślała, że lepiej będzie, jak tam się zbliżymy. Tam myśmy mieszkali od 1948 do 1957 roku i było nam bardzo dobrze.

Opowieść przerywa pytanie o religijność rodziców. Zeev Cynamon zamyśla się.

Fot. Władysław Czulak / Agencja

– To wszystko należy do gałęzi, co nie bardzo ja wiem. Co ja wiem, to że dziadek miał bardzo dużą brodę, babcia perukę. Mogli być ortodoksi. Tata zdaje się, próbował być chazarem, czyli modlić się śpiewem. Po wojnie u nas nie było Boga. Jest sądny dzień, raz na rok w Izraelu, kiedy większa część bije się w pierś „Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa” i proszą wybaczenia od Boga. U mnie na drzwiach jest napisane, że niech Bóg prosi wybaczenia ode mnie. Za co wziął sześć milionów – łamie mu się głos. – Wtedy może ja się do niego odezwę.

 „Żałowali my, że opuścili Polskę”

We Wrocławiu mama Cynamona pracowała w spółdzielni, tkała firanki. Pamięta z tego okresu haftki wyszywane w domu na rozległych firankach. O tacie mówi, że nie miał wielu zawodów, w tamtym czasie pracował w skupie metali.

– Z tego żeśmy żyli. I jeszcze z Joint, organizacji żydowskiej z Ameryki, która przesyłała nam paczki. Pamiętam z tych paczek Chesterfieldy.

W Polsce skończył ósmą klasę. Wtedy z kraju wyjechali jego krewni i rodzina. Z rodzicami zdecydowali się na taki sam krok.

– Żałowali, że opuścili Polskę. To był 9 czerwca 1957 roku, kiedy wyjechaliśmy do Izraela. Nie chciałem wyjeżdżać, miałem 16 lat, więc zaczynało się życie. Były dziewczyny, obozy, zabawy, papierosy w ubikacjach i się piło jakieś luje. Cała klasa mnie wtedy przyszła pożegnać. Do mieszkania przyszli mnie odwiedzić, na dworcu machali. Mnie było żal, im było żal. Mam wciąż listy, które wysyłali. Pisali – jak tam palmy, wyślij nam trochę pomarańczy, my ci wyślemy kiełbasy. Potem dostałem zdjęcie. No, nie można tego ciągnąć w nieskończoność, każdy ma swoje rodziny, każdy ma swoje problemy. Ale do dzisiaj mam kontakt z koleżanką z Wrocławia – oboje mamy swoje lata, nie bardzo słyszymy, nie bardzo widzimy, ale w porządku, dajemy sobie radę jeszcze.

W Izraelu zaczęli wszystko od początku. Dostali, tak jak inni przydział żywności w paczkach, ich nowy dom był pokryty blachą. Jedyne meble, jakie mieli, to były trzy łóżka. Do Izraela zjeżdżali wtedy wszyscy. Wszyscy zaczynali od zera.

– Brat mój, już nie żyje, do końca żył Polską. Do końca jej nie odżałował.

Całe życie jest przypadkiem

Po przyjeździe do Izraela chodził z bratem do kibucu. Musieli zrezygnować, wtedy Zeev poszedł do wojska.

– Służyłem tam dwa i pół roku. Potem pojawiła się żona i dzieci. Ale po wojsku szukałem pracy i tak trafiłem na taki kurs, żeby pracować z młodzieżą w internatach. Ja pracowałem w takiej wiosce dzieci, gdzie trafiały dzieci, których rodzice nie mogli utrzymywać. To było socjalne. Tam potem biologii uczyła moja żona, wychowały się nasze dzieci. Nade mną mieszkał sąsiad, który powiedział kiedyś do mnie: „Wowa (zdrobnienie od Włodzimierza, jak miał na imię w Polsce), zobacz, dostałem jakąś receptę, jak się robi wino”. Według mojej filozofii całe życie to jest przypadek. Przypadkiem pracowałem na Uniwersytecie Jerozolimskim na fakultecie rolniczym, między innymi odbywał się tam kurs chemii wina. Pracowałem w ten czas w akademiku, a że miałem mało pracy, kiedy każdy student miał łóżko i poduszkę, zapisałem się na kurs chemii wina.

– A teraz ja wam powiem, jak się nie robi wina – mówi, a w piwnicy słychać śmiech. – Winogrona potrzeba, siarkę potrzeba. Sąsiad miał winogrona, mieliśmy stary zlew, a dzieciarnia wskoczyła do środka i wycisnęliśmy sok. A tacy zadowoleni z życia, żeś nas takich nie widział! No i siarkę żeśmy wsadzili, korek i taka rurka jednokierunkowa, żeby dwutlenek węgla wyskakiwał. Postawiliśmy to pod drzewem i poszliśmy spać, z nadzieją, że jak wstaniemy, zacznie się fermentacja. Wstajemy, nie ma bąbelków. No i co się stało? No nic nadzwyczajnego, bo wina nie robi się z byle jakich winogron ani nie robi się go w 40 stopniach na zewnątrz.

Każdy ma swoją szramę

– Każdy ma jakiegoś bzika na sobie, szramę się mówi. Próbowałem kiedyś śpiewać w chórze. I panie tam zawsze chwaliły się wypiekami, a jeden kolega przyniósł wino. Ja zauważyłem, że on winem nie gardzi i kiedyś mnie tam do siebie zaprosił. Miał taką oborę na podwórzu, oglądnęliśmy ją i powiedziałem mu, że my tu będziemy robić wino.

Cynamon do dzisiaj nie ma winnicy. Winogrona skupuje i z nich tłoczy wino. Pierwsze zabutelkowane ma 26 lat.

– Pierwsze nasze wino, że mogliśmy powiedzieć, że robimy wino to był 2001, z pierwszych trzech lat, to się nawet nie opłacało tego soku pić.

Uśmiecha się pod nosem.

– Wino ma swoją tajemnicę, którą ja wam powiem, a której nikomu nie opowiadajcie. Tu jest 85 proc. wody, dodamy 14 proc. alkoholu, dodamy 0,5 proc. kwasów i kolorów. I jak nie zajmiemy się tym 0,5 proc., to mamy sok, a nie wino, bo te ostatnie 0,5 proc. to czysta magia. Magia zawarta w skórkach winogron. To jest ekspresja ziemi. Z prochu wino wychodzi i tych najbardziej jałowych zim.

Zeev Cynamon kończy opowieść. Mówi, że już więcej się nie da pociągnąć za język. Trochę w ten sposób żartuje, a trochę mówi poważnie. Wychodzi z piwnicy na Wodnej, goście powoli wychodzą za nim. Niektórzy łapią go na zewnątrz, pytają o rodzinę, o dzieci, o więcej wspomnień.

Są go ciekawi, on – zmęczony. Z boku obserwuję jego wzrok. Znów patrzy tam, gdzie ludzie obok nie mają wstępu.

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In Historic First, Israeli Minister Makes Public Trip to Saudi Arabia

In Historic First, Israeli Minister Makes Public Trip to Saudi Arabia

Andrew Bernard

Israel’s Tourism Minister Haim Katz on Tuesday arrived in Saudi Arabia in what his office described as the first-ever public visit by an Israeli minister to the kingdom.

Katz is attending the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) conference in Riyadh. A statement from the Tourism Ministry said that Katz would focus on meetings with Middle Eastern partners during the two-day event.

“Tourism is a bridge between nations,” Katz said in a statement. “Partnership in tourism issues has the potential to bring hearts together and foster economic prosperity. I will work to create collaborations to promote tourism and Israel’s foreign relations.”

The visit follows statements by both Israeli and Saudi leaders suggesting that a breakthrough agreement to normalize relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia might be close.

In an exclusive interview with The Algemeiner on Sunday, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan said that the two countries have “never been closer” to reaching a deal. That followed an interview that Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, gave to Fox News on Wednesday in which he said that “every day we get closer” to a deal. Bin Salman also confirmed that negotiations with the United States to broker an agreement were ongoing.

A potential Saudi normalization deal was also a major focus of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech last week to the UN General Assembly, where he touted the possibility of a “new Middle East“ with Israel at peace with its neighbors. Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen in turn predicted that the deal could be ready by the first quarter of 2024.

While the UNWTO conference is an international forum that gives Saudi Arabia deniability that the invitation to Katz signals a move toward normalization with Israel, such invitations were nonetheless a prelude to the Abraham Accords that normalized relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates in 2020. In 2015, Israel opened an office at the headquarters of the UN’s International Renewable Energy Agency in Abu Dhabi, and in 2019 the Jewish state confirmed its participation in the UAE’s Expo 2020, a full year before the announcement of the Abraham Accords.

Katz’s trip marks the first open visit by an Israeli minister to Saudi Arabia after years of never-confirmed media reports of secret visits between the two countries. Saudi Arabia denied that Mohammed Bin Salman traveled to Israel in 2017 and also denied that Netanyahu and Bin Salman held a secret meeting in Saudi Arabia in 2020, despite US and Israeli media reports saying that the meeting had occurred.

While Bin Salman has now said publicly that he is seeking a normalization deal with Israel in exchange for concessions from the United States, the Saudis have also indicated that they still seek concessions from Israel on the Palestinian issue.

In his address to the UN General Assembly on Saturday, Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Faisal bin Furhan did not mention a potential normalization deal with Israel, calling instead for an independent Palestinian state.

And on Tuesday, the Palestinian Authority welcomed Saudi Arabia’s non-resident ambassador. It was the ambassador’s first visit to the West Bank, despite Saudi Arabia’s longstanding recognition of Palestinian statehood.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates welcomes the visit of the Saudi Ambassador to the State of Palestine and considers it a historic milestone for the development of fraternal relations between the two countries,” the Palestinian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

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Gaza border-violence draws IAF strikes; Israel-Saudi peace ‘a matter of time’ TV7 Israel News 26.09

Gaza border-violence draws IAF strikes; Israel-Saudi peace ‘a matter of time’ TV7 Israel News 26.09

TV7 Israel News

1) Escalating violence along Israel’s southern border with Gaza – draws retaliatory strikes against terror infrastructure belonging to the Islamist Hamas organization.
2) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu highlights that Israeli peace with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is fast approaching.
3) Israeli President Isaac Herzog urges for national unity – amid a deep domestic rift.

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The Jewish Case for Prison Reform

The Jewish Case for Prison Reform


Aleph’s founder, Rabbi Sholom Lipskar, with a prison inmate, 1980s

What the Lubavitcher Rebbe understood about the criminal justice system

Current American debates about crime and justice center around either-or propositions. Either we support the institutions of law and order embodied by police and prisons or we support the criminal justice overhauls aimed at reforming—in some cases abolishing—those institutions. Either we want to live in safe cities free from the threat of violence and theft, or we oppose inhumane prison conditions. We can sympathize with the victims of crimes or with the victims of a cruel system, but not both. Simply put, we are told that we have to choose between peace and justice.

On one side of the ledger are the scenes of out-of-control violence and disorder in cities like Oakland and Chicago. On the other is the constant stream of news stories and viral videos highlighting the abuses of the criminal justice system. This polarized vision, split along partisan lines, is a trap—the kind of false binary that our contemporary political culture specializes in producing, but it can be escaped by turning away from politics for a moment and considering the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Schneerson. The Rebbe, as he is universally known to his followers in the Chabad movement, was both a passionate advocate for prison reform and a supporter of law and order.

In 1968, in the aftermath of national riots and an earlier episode of convulsive debates over crime and policing, New York City’s then-Mayor John Lindsay visited the Rebbe in his study in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. There, writes’s Dovid Margolin, the Rebbe advised the mayor that “proper policing and maintaining safe streets would benefit not only potential victims, but also aid the would-be criminals themselves, so often not much older than children.”

Rather than forcing us to see criminals as human beings, whose well-being is ultimately tied to society as a whole, our current system tries to hide them from sight. But even that is no longer possible as the conditions in prisons like New York City’s Rikers Island have gotten so bad that scandals related to the facility are now a recurring feature of local news. Indeed a CBS News feature from just last month detailed the findings of a federal monitor’s report that found the hygienic conditions in Rikers are downright inhumane:

The 150 pictures in the report paint a stomach-turning picture of dirty toilets, wash basins, sinks and other personal hygiene facilities. […] Inspectors found a cornucopia of live roaches, ants, water bugs, fruit flies, gnats, and mouse droppings.

Aside from filth, the violence, abuse, murders, and suicides at Rikers wreak havoc among the prisoners. While the prisoners have no choice, a significant portion of correctional officers abuse their sick days to avoid showing up to work in such conditions. In fact, the situation has devolved to the point where a potential federal takeover of Rikers is in the cards due to City Hall’s failure to comply with a series of court orders aimed at improving the prisoners’ conditions.

Rabbis from the Aleph Institute give a Torah study class at a correctional facility as part of Aleph’s Yeshiva in Prison Program, 2015. Founded in 1981, the Aleph Institute was founded at the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s directive, and today serves more than 5,000 Jews incarcerated in the U.S. penal system, helping them to ensure that they can carry out daily Jewish practices, obtain kosher food, properly celebrate holidays, and receive spiritual and emotional support both on the inside and after their release from prison.

Yet, for all of the U.S. attorney’s showboating about taking over Rikers Island in order to clean up the city’s mess, study after study has revealed that sanitary conditions and the treatment of prisoners are poor across the federal prison system, too. A recent John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health analysis revealed that chronic health conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, asthma, HIV, and a host of mental illnesses are significantly undertreated in correctional facilities compared to the general population. Much like in Rikers Island, it’s a common occurrence in federal prisons for toilets to either overflow or suffer from water shortages, forcing inmates to spend days with their refuse in their cells. These urgent yet easily solvable health and sanitary crises are compounded by the fact that a third of state and federal prisons are located within three miles of a Federal Superfund site. Superfund sites are polluted locations requiring a long-term response to clean up hazardous contaminants, and living in such close proximity can shave off up to 15 months of a person’s life expectancy.

Rather than forcing us to see criminals as human beings, whose well-being is ultimately tied to society as a whole, our current system tries to hide them from sight.

As bad as the hygienic and safety conditions are, they pale in comparison to the brutality and cruelty that convicts inflict on each other and on the guards, or that is directed at them by correctional officers.

In an “Inside Rikers” special report, ABC7 NY found that assaults against officers have increased by more than 23% over the last decade, while fights between inmates have more than quadrupled over the same period. Multiple studies over the previous 40 years have shown that between 20% and 25% of prisoners have reported being victims of physical violence from another inmate while incarcerated.

Guard-on-inmate violence might be even more frequent, though it’s hard to get accurate numbers since it’s common for guards to cover up for each other, falsify reports, or punish prisoners who want to complain with solitary confinement as a deterrent.

This climate of violence leads many first-time offenders to seek gang affiliation inside prison as a form of protection, which in turn increases the likelihood they will engage in violence and reoffend once released. It also highly increases the chance they will spend time in solitary confinement due to the violent behavior of their gang-related activities.

Solitary confinement is considered a form of torture, and its abusers can be tried for war crimes, if inflicted for 15 days or more. Yet, in the American prison system, some inmates spend months, years, or even decades, in solitary confinement. After being wrongfully convicted of killing a prison guard, Albert Woodfox spent some 43 years in solitary confinement—possibly the longest any American has been imprisoned in solitary—before his conviction was overturned on appeal. Nearly half of suicide attempts happen in solitary, and inmates are 12 times more likely to attempt suicide there than in the general prison population.

It might be argued that the very cruelty of the American prison system would at least discourage people from returning to such hellish conditions—but the evidence shows this is wrong.

In 2019, the U.S. Department of Justice released a special report which found a recidivism rate of 78% among violent crime offenders, 84% among drug offenders, and 87% among property crime offenders. Almost 44% of criminals return to prison within a year of release. 68% are rearrested within three years, 79% within six years, and 83% within nine years.

These statistics show we do not have a correctional facility that emphasizes correction. Only 5.1% of the global American population will spend any time in prison throughout their lives, but of those who will, most will end up there more than once.

The conclusion is clear: The U.S. penal system neither rehabilitates prisoners nor scares them out of reoffending. Instead, it routinely subjects inmates to conditions of rampant depravation and violence that, in other contexts, we would consider torture.

Where our political culture falls short, Judaism has the answer.

Unfortunately, most of the solutions to the prison problem proposed by progressive criminal justice reform advocates threaten to make things even worse. So-called “decarceral” policies aimed at reducing the prison population often do so by simply allowing crimes to go unpunished. In New York City for instance, District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who campaigned for office as a criminal justice reformer, announced as his first public policy that his office would “not seek a carceral sentence” for a whole host of crimes. In the period since he took office on Jan 1, 2022, Bragg’s office downgraded 52% of felony cases to misdemeanors, “while also managing to lose half of the felony cases that do reach court,” according to an analysis from the New York Post. That approach did send fewer people into the prison system—the Post recorded a 29% drop in felony convictions leading to prison sentences in the period it examined compared to 2019—but major crimes in the city spiked by 22% last year.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle, conservatives tend to simply ignore the issue, or insist that prisoners deserve the appalling conditions as retribution for their crimes.

Thankfully, where our political culture falls short, Judaism has the answer.

A formerly incarcerated man shares his experience of how Aleph supported him on his journey through the prison system and beyond


During a 1976 Hasidic gathering in Brooklyn, the Lubavitcher Rebbe noted that out of all of the punishments and sentences considered in the Torah and books of Jewish law, prison is not mentioned once. Since the Torah is called a “Torah of Kindness,” he explained, any disciplinary action deemed necessary by the Torah is, by extension, an act of kindness.

The primary function of prescribed punishments, from fines all the way to the death penalty, is to act as a deterrent and preventive measure to ensure that criminals will not reoffend. However, the Torah is very clear that while these are necessary, they should not be seen as a permanent mark on someone’s record. Even concerning the worst corporal punishment, the Torah states that after the guilty party has been punished, “… behold, he is ‘your brother.’” That is a radical notion, a call to solidarity with the condemned that resonates with the vision of the progressive “restorative justice” movement.

Regarding the death penalty, the Torah clarifies that it is only inflicted so that the guilty party will pay for their crime in this world and will not be punished in the next. As a result, they will be granted life in the World to Come. It’s also why, according to Jewish Sages, such a judgment was only rendered once every seven years (some say 70) and performed in a way as to preserve dignity. The condemned were supposed to be given a potion that would render them unconscious so that they would not suffer.

From this we can learn a fundamental lesson about how to treat those who have broken the law: Once someone has paid for his crime, the Torah adjures us to look at him not as an ex-convict, as a criminal, as a felon, but rather as a brother—as a fellow citizen. Even a man who committed the worst of crimes should not lose his dignity; if the death penalty is necessary, it is done not out of anger, retribution, or revenge, but because it’s the right thing to do for the sake of both the guilty and society.

These were not mere abstract concerns for the Hasidic leader. In 1981, the Aleph Institute was founded at the Rebbe’s directive, and today serves more than 5,000 Jews incarcerated in the U.S. penal system, helping them to ensure that they can carry out daily Jewish practices, obtain kosher food, properly celebrate holidays, and receive spiritual and emotional support both on the inside and after their release from prison. But the message was not restricted to Jewish prisoners. The Rebbe exhorted people to start organizations to help both Jewish and non-Jewish prisoners. He also emphasized lobbying for early-release programs in exchange for good behavior.

The stigma attached to being an ex-convict is one of the main barriers that former prisoners face when reentering society. It heavily affects their attitude post-release. If we can learn to see their humanity instead of imagining them still in prison uniform, it will go a long way to help former convicts reintegrate into society and become valuable members once again. As the Rebbe pointed out during that same 1976 gathering, it’s not only that the person shouldn’t lose their brotherly image in our eyes, but that it should also not negate the divine nature of a human being. We are obligated to uphold the belief that even the worst criminal was still created in the image of G-d.

According to the Rebbe, Judaism’s vision of crime and punishment is encapsulated in the verse “man was born to toil.” The meaning of the verse is that a man should not spend his day idly but should rather be productive. To accomplish this, however, an individual needs self-determination, and yet prison is the opposite of self-determination. How then can prisoners possibly fulfill their G-d-given purpose in such an environment?

The answer is simple: If a man is in prison, it should not be a punishment but an occasion to reflect on his undesirable actions. He should be given the opportunity to learn, improve himself, and prepare for his release, at which point he can embrace an honest and peaceful new life. Instead of wasting his days in prison, he will look back on those days as having been filled with meaning.

Studies show that, alongside the previously mentioned stigma, the lack of education and employment opportunities are two of the most significant factors in recidivism. Conversely, prisoners participating in post-high school education programs or in learning a trade are 45% less likely to reoffend once out of prison, according to the Department of Justice. It affects not only their lives outside of prison but inside as well; participation in such programs leads to lower levels of inmate violence and fosters an entirely different relationship between prisoners.

The Rebbe finished his 1976 discourse by stating that for a man to rehabilitate, first and foremost, the prisoner must be able to retain a sense of his humanity and likeness to G-d. He is a human being who can, if he so chooses, be a reflection of G-dliness and goodness in this world. However, when a prisoner is denied his humanity and self-image, when he feels that he’s subjugated and unable to raise his head, the prison system will inevitably create an even greater criminal.

By our current political standards, these proposals may seem naive or impractical. Too invested in G-d and human goodnessToo religious. But in fact they are far more practical than our current method of expecting to reduce criminality by treating people as subhuman, and far more reasonable than allowing criminals to prey on innocent people and then calling this “justice.” What we are doing now has failed. It is time to try the Jewish way.

When not teaching in Yeshiva, Yisrael Eliashiv can be found on twitter at @shevereshtus, where he discusses culture, political issues, and the modern world as understood through the Hasidic lens.

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