The End of ‘Palestine’

The End of ‘Palestine’

Lee Smith

Donald Trump reminds the world that ideas have sell-by dates .

Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu speak during a meeting in the Oval Office on Feb. 4, 2025 / Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Yesterday, President Donald Trump single-handedly collapsed the most destructive idea of the last hundred years—Palestine. During meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, Trump said he was going to move 1.7 million Palestinians out of Gaza. And just like that, he broke the long spell that had captured generations of world leaders, peace activists, and Middle East terror masters alike, who had paradoxically come to regard the repeated failure and haunting secondary consequences of the idea of joint Arab Muslim and Jewish statehood in the same small piece of land as proof of its necessity.

Palestine was a misshapen idea from the beginning, engendered by an act of pure negation. The Arabs could have gone along with the U.N.’s partition plan like the Jews did, and chosen to build whatever version of Switzerland or Belgium on the eastern Med in 1948. Instead, they resoundingly chose war. That’s the storied “Nakba” at the core of the Palestinian legend—the catastrophe that drove the Arabs from their land and hung a key around the neck of a nation waiting to go home. The Arabs chose the catastrophe; they chose war, based on the premise that they would inevitably win and exterminate the Jews.

Yet despite repeated military failures, and the increasing distance between the first-world powerhouse that the Israelis built and their increasingly war-torn, third-world neighborhood, the global conscience was always predisposed to rebuilding what the Palestinians destroyed. Accordingly, the Palestinian Arabs became a tribe of feral children whose identity was carved out of the relentless vow to eliminate Israel and slaughter the Jews en masse—despite repeated failures, each one more crushing than the last.

Trump said, enough, we’re not rebuilding Gaza. Time for a new idea—the Gazans have to to go, they can try to start again somewhere else, in a land where every building still standing isn’t already wired to explode.

Gazans waged an exterminationist campaign against Israel, and they lost. At any other time in history, save the last 75 years, they would be lucky to lose only territory and not have their legend and language permanently deleted from the book of the living.

What if they won’t go, or if the Egyptians and Jordanians won’t take them? They’ll take them, said Trump. Ah, he’s talking big, but it’s not real, say the experts—after all, he’s a real estate guy, and he’s pretending it’s just another property deal to pressure Hamas—Mar-a-Gaza. You can’t move a million people just like that, says an American electorate that elected Trump because he promised to deport tens of millions of illegal aliens who crossed the U.S. border in the last four years. He’s nuts says the D.C. foreign policy crowd: He’ll destabilize Egypt and Jordan, and undermine America’s best Arab friends and allies in the region.

Yet Trump is right to see both Egypt and Jordan as paltry constructions with little-to-no ability to project force on America’s behalf, and whose survival depends month to month on American aid. Cairo is useful to the United States only insofar as it, one, makes sure the Suez Canal is open and, two, observes the peace treaty with Israel—i.e., continues its campaign of repression against a populace of 112 million people who can barely afford to buy bread, and many of whose dreams are filled with the same insanity that drives Hamas. The only antidote to this misery that Egypt’s rulers have found is blaming the Zionists next door for the ills of their own society, while torturing religious extremists in their prisons. Maybe when Elon Musk is finished fixing Washington he can conduct an audit of where American money goes in Egypt. Somehow, I doubt he’d get in the door.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s problem is that he allowed Hamas to smuggle arms through the Philadelphi crossing into Gaza, thereby violating Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel—which is what we nominally pay him for. From the perspective of Trump, an American president keen to enforce treaty obligations, Sisi has a new chance to prove himself as a friend of America and not a grafting liar by adding a million Gazans—who in the past have been ruled by Egypt and have family names like al-Masri (“the Egyptian”)—to Egypt’s existing population of 112 million, amounting percentagewise to roughly the same number of legal immigrants that the United States accepts per year. Sisi can deal with the Hamas members among the Gazan immigrants the same way he deals with Muslim Brotherhood militants in his own society—or he can give them all medals for their service. It’s up to him.

And if not? Well, he might remember that Hosni Mubarak’s regime collapsed not because of Muslim Brotherhood-led street protests during the 2011 Arab Spring but because Barack Obama withdrew his support from the longtime U.S. ally.

With money from the Gulf states, or even Israel, Sisi can afford to absorb Palestinians and might even volunteer to take all of Gaza—the average salary in Egypt at present being the equivalent of $5,000 per year. He can then leave Jordan’s King Abdullah responsible for the rest of the Palestinians in the likely event that Trump, as he did in his first term, encourages Netanyahu to annex the Jordan Valley, or goes a step further and acknowledges Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.

Since the CIA has long treated the Hashemite Kingdom as a key asset, we can expect within the next week The Washington Post’s David Ignatius to publish an article based on intelligence sources—i.e., U.S. and Jordanian spies—concocting a story about Trump’s rationale for “destabilizing Jordan.” The reality is that the Jordanians, with U.S. help, put down a Palestinian rebellion in 1970. The country of a little more than 11 million is already estimated to be two-thirds Palestinian, the rest Jordanian tribesmen, and it’s hard to see how adding another 500,000 Palestinians will make it harder for Jordan’s notoriously effective security services to contain their neighbors, especially if the offer includes a few dozen more Black Hawk helicopters. After all, no one will expect the Jordanians to allow Hamas to build a giant tunnel-city stuffed with rocket factories beneath their encampments while giving them billions in foreign aid to pay for it all.

Again, the key players here aren’t Jordan and Egypt but the oil rich Gulf Cooperation Council states, especially Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and of course Qatar. Trump might make Saudi largesse in resettling the Gazans a precondition for the much-hyped prospect of normalizing relations between Riyadh and Jerusalem. Given the fact that Israel regularly attracts nine- and 10-figure investments from Silicon Valley’s biggest funds, the reality is that the Saudis have little to offer Israel except for money applied to exactly this type of local purpose. Moving millions of Gazans who have repeatedly attacked their Israeli neighbors out of what is now a shattered war zone is a sensible investment in the kind of stability that helps rich people get richer.

The Arabs and Democrats are only the most vocal of the many opposed to Trump’s initiative. Left-wing governments from Europe to Australia are lining up to pledge their allegiance to the fantasy of a Palestinian state, in the hopes of propitiating Muslim and Arab constituencies at home—whose understanding of “peace” means eliminating Israel. But even leaving the patent bad faith of those professing “peace” aside, moving Gazans out of Gaza is the only sane option 14 months after they initiated a campaign of rape, murder, and hostage-taking that brought their own house down on their heads.

After all, what’s more fanciful, moving 1.7 million people out of Gaza, a large portion of whom would simply be required to board air-conditioned buses or walk across the nearby Egypt border, or compelling them to live in a giant rubble field booby-trapped by an Iran-backed terrorist group? Estimates vary as to how long it would take to clear Gaza of explosives—half a decade or more? Fifteen years? Twenty? Are the Gazans supposed to live quietly in tents for the next decade or two while their homes are rebuilt next door? Where? In “temporary cities” made of Dwell Magazine-like rehabbed shipping containers built by graduates of Birmingham University? In Hamas’ tunnels?

Regardless, should the Palestinians remain in Gaza, they would invariably return to war no matter how much munificence the Gulf Arab states, the European Union, and perhaps even the U.S. might shower on the toxic sand castle built over the past two decades with billions of Western aid money. Proof the Palestinians can’t and won’t keep the peace is that even after they won a reprieve when Trump’s Middle East envoy Steve Witkoff forced the Biden administration’s cease-fire on Jerusalem, Hamas and its NGO-supported human shields celebrated in the streets as if the Hamas space program had successfully landed Palestinians on Mars. Even as Israel released jailed murderers, the Gazans paraded Israeli hostages through the ruins of Gaza like trophies of war.

The Saudis, Qataris, Emiratis and others who now rend their clothes while lamenting the likely fate of their ant-farm death cult might well have counseled: Quiet brothers, you have been spared. Don’t bring attention to yourselves. For the winds of Gaza shift on a whim and who knows if you are not next to be swept away by fate—or the American president.

Here is the stark reality: Gazans, not just the enlisted members of the Hamas brigades, waged an exterminationist campaign against Israel, and they lost. At virtually any other time in history, save the last 75 years, they would be lucky to lose only territory and not have their legend and language permanently deleted from the book of the living.

Trump’s generous offer to the Gazans therefore signals a return to history, but with a twist. Trump has not only spared them, but vowed to provide them with new lives, better lives, work, new homes, a chance to raise their families in peace, an existence not premised on total and permanent war with a more powerful adversary destined to rout them entirely, and would have already done so if not for the objections of other powerful global players.

Trump, in his innovative mercy, has offered to save the Palestinian people from their own history, and give them a new idea to live by. They should thank their maker for the chance to start anew—and give thanks as well to the American president, who realistically promises them a better future, backed by U.S. global power. Given the repeated failure of the multi-decade-long dream of eliminating and replacing the Jews of Israel, it seems unlikely that the Palestinians will receive a better offer.

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Liri Albag Celebrates 20th Birthday at Hospital With Other Hostages Released From Gaza

Liri Albag Celebrates 20th Birthday at Hospital With Other Hostages Released From Gaza

Shiryn Ghermezian

Liri Albag, center, standing from a balcony inside Israel’s Rabin Medical Center and watching an orchestra performance for her birthday alongside Agam Berger, Daniella Gilboa, Karina Ariev, and Naama Levy. Photo:
American Friends of Rabin Medical Center

Liri Albag, who was recently released from captivity in Gaza as part of the Israel-Hamas ceasefire, celebrated her 20th birthday on Tuesday with other former hostages at Rabin Medical Center’s Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah, Israel, where she is recovering after returning home 10 days earlier.

An orchestra came to the hospital to perform a small concert for Albag, who celebrated her previous birthday in Hamas captivity. The songs included Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” and “Happy Birthday.” She watched from a balcony on one of the upper floors of the hospital alongside other freed hostages Agam Berger, Daniella Gilboa, Karina Ariev, and Naama Levy. All five women were serving as surveillance soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces when they were kidnapped from an IDF base in Nahal Oz by Hamas-led terrorists during their deadly rampage in southern Israel on Oct. 7, 2023.

Albag, Gilboa, Ariev, and Levy returned together after 15 months in Hamas captivity as part of the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas. Five days later, Berger was also released as part of the ceasefire deal.

Albag uploaded a post on Instagram about her birthday and wrote: “Today I get to celebrate my 20th birthday with my loved ones. The only wish I asked for — is for all the hostages to return.”
Her older sister, Roni Albag, shared a photo from the birthday celebrations on Instagram and wrote in the caption: “Our Lirosh, our number 1. I dreamed of this moment countless times and here you are. Today you celebrate your 20th birthday at home!!! Today you celebrate the life that was given to you again. You are our victory, our heart and the light of our home. I love you and am here for you forever and ever.”

Liri posted on social media on Friday for the first time since returning from captivity. In an Instagram post, she thanked the people of Israel for their “support, love, and help.” She said, “Together, we are strength.” She also thanked the IDF and members of Israel’s security forces “who sacrificed their souls and fought for us and our country! There isn’t a morning that I don’t pray for their safety.”

“Finally got to reunite with my family! But our fight isn’t over and I won’t stop fighting until everyone is home!” she added. “I want us to continue to stay united, because together nothing can break us. The unity and hope we have in us scares all our enemies, amazes all our lovers, and comforts the people among us. A sentence that used to accompany me was ‘at the end of every night, darkness disappears.’ And I wish that everyone can see the light.”

Seven surveillance soldiers were abducted from the Nahal Oz base on Oct. 7, 2023, including Noa Marciano, who was killed in Hamas captivity, and Ori Megidish, who was rescued by the IDF in October 2023.

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Donald Trump: Ameryka przejmie Strefę Gazy. Palestyńczycy mają się wynieść

Strefa Gazy, zniszczone budynki w mieście Gaza (Fot. REUTERS/Mahmoud Al-basos)

Donald Trump: Ameryka przejmie Strefę Gazy. Palestyńczycy mają się wynieść

Marta Urzędowska

Amerykański prezydent obwieścił, że USA przejmą Strefę Gazy, wyrzucą z enklawy wszystkich Palestyńczyków, a jeśli będzie trzeba – poślą na miejsce amerykańskich żołnierzy. Świat słucha ze zdumieniem i protestuje.

Plan Donalda Trumpa, który gorączkowo próbują dziś analizować wszystkie światowe media, gruchnął we wtorek wieczorem. Podczas wspólnej konferencji prasowej z izraelskim premierem Beniaminem Netanjahu amerykański prezydent ogłosił, że USA mogą przejąć Strefę Gazy, a jej mieszkańcy, czyli dwa miliony Palestyńczyków zostaną wysiedlone do sąsiednich krajów.

Na miejscu przez ostatnich kilkanaście miesięcy trwała wojna Hamasu z Izraelem rozpętana atakiem Palestyńczyków 7 października 2023 r. Hamasowcy zabili 1,2 tys. Izraelczyków, a 250 porwali do Gazy, w odpowiedzi Izrael przeprowadził wojnę odwetową, w której zginęło ponad 47 tys. enklawy, a ona sama zmieniła się w ruinę.

W ostatnich tygodniach walki na miejscu przerwano, bo – dzięki pomocy Amerykanów, Katarczyków i Egipcjan – obie strony wynegocjowały rozejm.

Trzeba będzie wysłać żołnierzy, to wyślemy. Bliski Wschód będzie z Gazy dumny

Teraz Trump, który zapraszając Netanjahu do Waszyngtonu jako pierwszego zagranicznego gościa, pokazał niezachwiane wsparcie USA dla Izraela, przedstawił swój pomysł rozwiązania problemu zniszczonej enklawy.

 – Słyszałem, że Gaza jest dla Palestyńczyków bardzo pechowym miejscem, żyją tam jak w piekle, to po prostu nie jest miejsce do życia – wyjaśniał. – Jedynym powodem, dla którego Palestyńczycy chcą być w Gazie, jest fakt, że nie mają alternatywy – zapewniał, dodając, że mogliby żyć „w pokoju i harmonii” w innym miejscu.

Spytany ilu Palestyńczyków powinno wyjechać z Gazy, odpowiedział, że „wszyscy”, po czym dodał, że „uważa, że będą zachwyceni”.

– Nie sądzę, że zechcą mi odmówić – odparł spytany z kolei, co się stanie, jeśli jednak nie zechcą wyjechać.

Trump: Zajmiemy Gazę, będzie riwierą

– Przecież Gaza to dziś miejsce wyburzeń, dosłownie każdy budynek jest zrujnowany – stwierdził Trump. – Ameryka przejmie Strefę Gazy, zrobimy tam, co trzeba. Będzie naszą własnością, będziemy odpowiedzialni za rozmontowanie wszystkich niebezpiecznych niewybuchów, za usunięcie całej broni, jaka jest na miejscu – wyliczał. – To konieczne, dlatego tak zrobimy. Rozwiniemy to miejsce, stworzymy tysiące miejsc pracy, będzie to coś, z czego cały Bliski Wschód będzie bardzo dumny – zapewnił.

Zasugerował też, że kraje regionu mogłyby sfinansować przesiedlenie Palestyńczyków w inne miejsce, być może „na jakiś świeży, dobry, piękny kawałek ziemi”, gdzie mogliby żyć w lepszych warunkach, przy czym takich „kawałków ziemi” mogłoby być kilka.

Spytany, kto miałby zamieszkać w Gazie zamiast Palestyńczyków, stwierdził, że „ludzie z całego świata”. – Nie chcę się mądrzyć, ale taka riwiera Bliskiego Wschodu to byłoby coś wartościowego, wspaniałego – dodał.

Zapytany, czy Ameryka rozważa wysłanie do Gazy amerykańskich żołnierzy, odparł:  “Jeśli to okaże się niezbędne, zrobimy to”.

Netanjahu nie kryje, że podoba mu się pomysł Trumpa. – Pan widzi rzeczy, których inni nie chcą zobaczyć i mówi rzeczy, których inni nie chcą powiedzieć – zachwalał pomysł Trupa. – Potem wszystkim opadają szczęki, ludzie drapią się po głowach i mówią: Właściwie to on ma rację – dodał.

– To właśnie takie myślenie zmieni kształt Bliskiego Wschodu i przyniesie pokój – podsumował Netanjahu, dodając, że pomysł Amerykanina jest „wart zwrócenia uwagi” i „jest czymś, co mogłoby zmienić bieg historii”.

Zapewnił też, że amerykański prezydent to „największy przyjaciel, jakiego Izrael kiedykolwiek miał w Białym Domu”, który w dodatku „ma świeże, nierutynowe pomysłu i chęć zerwania z konwencjonalnym myśleniem”.

Już po konferencji Trumpa i Netanjahu, sekretarz stanu USA, Marco Rubio zamieścił w tej sprawie post w serwisie X. „Stany Zjednoczone są gotowe poprowadzić Gazę i sprawić, by znowu stała się piękna. Naszym celem jest trwały pokój w regionie dla wszystkich” – wyjaśnił.

Palestyńczyków przyjmą kraje arabskie? Wcześniej wskazywały, że to wykluczone

Trump nie był w  stanie wyjaśnić, na jakich warunkach Ameryka miałaby przejąć Gazę i jak wyobraża sobie jej okupację.

– Widzę nas tam w roli długoterminowych właścicieli, widzę też, jak zaprowadzamy wspaniałą stabilność tej części Biskiego Wschodu, a może i całego regionu – mówił. Twierdził też, że rozmawiał o tym pomyśle z regionalnymi przywódcami. – Wszystkim, z którymi rozmawiałem, bardzo podoba się pomysł Ameryki w roli właściciela tego kawałka ziemi – zapewnił.

– Rozważałem to od miesięcy

– dodał, przyznając, że w tej chwili Gaza to „piekło i symbol śmierci i zniszczenia”. Wyraził też nadzieję, że przywódcy Egiptu i Jordanii „otworzą swoje serca przed tym pomysłem”.\

Szanse, że Trump przekona do swojego pomysłu Amman i Kair nie są duże. Kiedy w ostatnich tygodniach sugerował, że Palestyńczycy powinni wyjechać do krajów sąsiadujących, Egipt i Jordania rzuciły się z pełnymi oburzenia oświadczeniami, podkreślając, że miejsce mieszkańców Gazy jest wyłącznie w Gazie.

Jak opisuje „New York Times”, przed konferencją z Netanjahu, na wtorkowym spotkaniu w Gabinecie Owalnym, Trump bagatelizował kwestie sprzeciwu Egipcjan i Jordańczyków. – Teraz mówią, że się nie zgodzą, a ja mówię, że owszem, zgodzą się – zapewniał.

Tuż po ogłoszeniu w połowie stycznia rozejmu, setki tysięcy mieszkańców północnej Gazy, którzy z powodu walk i izraelskich nalotów ostatnie miesiące spędzili żyjąc w namiotach na południu enklawy, rzucili się wracać na swoje zrujnowane tereny. Eksperci szacują, że odbudowa Gazy zajmie kilkanaście lat, szczególnie, że na miejscu są dziesiątki tysięcy izraelskich niewybuchów.

Steve Witkoff, wysłannik administracji Trumpa na Bliski Wschód w ub. tygodniu odwiedził Gazę i oszacował, że odbudowa może zająć 10-15 lat, ewidentnie szykując grunt pod środowe rewelacje swojego szefa. – Nawet gdyby jakieś terytorium było zniszczone w jednej setnej tego, co widziałem w Gazie, nikomu nie pozwolono by tam wrócić do domu, to zbyt niebezpieczne – przekonywał. – Na miejscu jest 30 tys. niewybuchów, są budynki, które w każdej chwili mogą się zawalić, nie ma żadnych usług – wyliczał.

Protestują Palestyńczycy, Amerykanie, muzułmanie, obrońcy praw człowieka

Choć od wypowiedzi Trumpa nie minęła nawet doba, z całego świata sypią się głosy oburzenia. Eksperci wskazują, że przymusowe wyrzucenie z Gazy jej mieszkańców byłoby złamaniem prawa i zakrawałoby na czystki etniczne.

BBC opisuje reakcje Palestyńczyków w Gazie na słowa Trumpa. – Czekam, żeby odbudować nasz dom i w nim zamieszkać. Żaden Trump, ani nikt inny mnie nie interesuje – przyznaje w rozmowie ze stacją Dżamalat Wadi, mieszkanka enklawy. – Dopóki w żyłach naszych dzieci będzie płynęła choć jedna kropla krwi, nie wyjedziemy z Gazy, nigdy z niej nie zrezygnujemy. Będziemy żyli w ruinach, a z czasem ją odbudujemy – zapewnia.

Wtóruje jej Mahmud Bahdżat. – Słyszałem o słowach Trumpa, ale modlę się, żeby arabscy przywódcy mu odmówili, przecież my mieszkamy tu całe życie, tu dorastaliśmy – tłumaczy. – To nasza ziemia, nie możemy żyć nigdzie indziej. Może i Trump pomógł zakończyć tę wojnę, ale wysiedlenie nas zakończyłoby nasze życie – dodaje.

Planom Amerykanina sprzeciwiają się nie tylko kraje regionu, ale też zachodni sojusznicy i Demokraci. Chris Van Hollen, demokratyczny senator z Maryland, napisał na X, że pomysł Trumpa to „po prostu etniczne czystki inaczej nazwane”. Ostrzegł też, że podobne plany „dają amunicję Iranowi i innym rywalom Ameryki, jednocześnie antagonizując jej arabskich partnerów”. „Kongres musi się sprzeciwić takim niebezpiecznym i bezmyślnym planom” – podsumował.

Wtóruje mu Halie Soifer, szefowa Żydowskiej Demokratycznej Rady Ameryki. „Pomysł, że Stany Zjednoczone przejmują Gazę i ślą na miejsce amerykańskich żołnierzy, nie jest ekstremalny, jest kompletnie oderwany od rzeczywistości – przekonuje w oświadczeniu. – W jakim niby świecie miałoby się to wydarzyć? – dodaje.

Protesty wystosowała rada amerykańsko-muzułmańskich relacji (CAIR), która przypomniała, że „Gaza należy do Palestyńczyków, nie Stanów Zjednoczonych, a wezwania prezydenta do wyrzucenia palestyńskiej ludności z ich ziem, są bez szans”. „Gdyby Palestyńczycy zostali w jakiś sposób wyrzuceni z Gazy, byłaby to zbrodnia przeciw ludzkości, która wywołałaby olbrzymi konflikt, stała się gwoździem do trumny międzynarodowego prawa i zniszczyłaby to, co jeszcze pozostało z międzynarodowej pozycji naszego narodu” – napisała rada.

Protestują też światowi obrońcy praw człowieka. – Usunięcie wszystkich Palestyńczyków z Gazy jest równoznaczne ze zniszczeniem ich jako narodu – przekonuje w oświadczeniu Paul O’Brien, szef Amnesty International w Ameryce. – Gaza to ich dom, a jej zniszczenie to efekt zabijania tysięcy cywilów przez Izrael, często przy użyciu amerykańskich bomb – przypomniał.

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What Is Really Destroying Europe? The EU.

What Is Really Destroying Europe? The EU.

Drieu Godefridi

  • The truth is that the reduction in CO2 emissions in Europe is almost exclusively due to industry leaving Europe. That is the dirty little secret of the Green Deal: Europe is reducing its CO2 emissions to the extent and in proportion to the destruction of its industry.
  • The EU elite has lost control of the narrative. Europeans are turning away from the lies and myths of the Green Deal en masse.
  • Given the absence of precise definitions, the censors do whatever they want…. In practice, these censors massively quash so-called “right-wing” content, while leaving the abundant anti-Semitic, Islamist and Marxist literature untouched.
  • [T]he EU is, in reality, a Potemkin democracy. It looks like a democracy, but is in fact an authoritarian bureaucracy. There is no election by the citizens of a parliament worthy of the name, no transparency, no recourses and, it seems, no way of eliminating the organization or any part of it. European citizens can vote as they please, but it is a self-appointed elite within the European institutions who decide the future of Europe. These “elites” will do anything to keep themselves and their ideology in power.
  • In addition, Qatar has massively infiltrated the European Parliament, buying parliamentarians to promote its interests and its Islamist vision of the world.
  • Can one measure the sense of alienation that must be felt by Europeans, forced to finance a corrupt bureaucracy working against their interests?
  • When it comes to migration, the economy, free speech and democracy, the EU is not the solution to any problem. The EU is the problem.

The truth is that the reduction in CO2 emissions in Europe is almost exclusively due to industry leaving Europe. That is the dirty little secret of the Green Deal: Europe is reducing its CO2 emissions to the extent and in proportion to the destruction of its industry. (Image source: iStock/Getty Images)

The founding idea of the European Union was to build, through shared prosperity, solidarity and a sense of shared destiny among the nations of Europe. That was why three communities were formed: the economy, coal and steel, and nuclear energy. Until around 2000, in terms of growth and innovation, the European economy, year in, year out, was on par with the American one.

Of that initial — and fairly brilliant — gesture of “peace through prosperity,” literally nothing remains. None of the EU’s current leaders cares about the financial well-being of Europeans. Coal is regarded as the devil’s fuel, and nuclear energy is abhorred by Europe’s elites, who say they prefer the inefficient and erratic wind turbines. Since 2000, the European economy has been mired in stagnation, which has worsened since 2008 and threatens to reach its height in the coming years — ending in the destruction of Europe.

Green Deal

The EU is a web of institutions with which an American would find nothing familiar, so let us just say that this web is dominated by one institution: the European Commission. It is a kind of European “government'” with a monopoly on legislative initiatives. Nothing is voted on in the EU without the Commission’s assent.

The Commission makes no secret of the fact that its absolute priority is the Green Deal: to turn Europe into a “Carbon Neutral Society” by 2050. This means achieving a balance between the greenhouse gas emissions produced and those absorbed by natural or technological carbon sinks. The EU’s key strategies to achieve this balance include reducing emissions by massively increasing the use of “renewable energy” sources such as solar, wind, hydro and biomass, improving the energy efficiency of buildings, vehicles and industries, and moving towards low- or zero-emission industrial processes, particularly in steel, cement and chemicals. They also aim to develop carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies to absorb and store CO2 from combustion sources or from the air. Carbon dioxide captured is typically stored in geological formations such as depleted natural gas fields, or old coal mines. In Europe, the North Sea seabed serves as an ideal location for carbon storage.

The problem is that these CCS technologies are extremely expensive. Imposing them in the gigantic way that zero-carbon requires implies additional costs that are impossible for any developed economy to digest. That is probably why these fantastical CCS technologies play such a marginal role in Europe. The truth is that the reduction in CO2 emissions in Europe is almost exclusively due to industry leaving Europe. That is the dirty little secret of the Green Deal: Europe is reducing its CO2 emissions to the extent and in proportion to the destruction of its industry.

The industry destroyed in Europe, however, is immediately reborn elsewhere in the world: in East Asia, South America and, of course, the United States. This means that the CO2 emissions destroyed in Europe reappear as if by magic somewhere else — before the products of that particular industry are re-exported to Europe. In the majority of cases — because transporting anything emits CO2 — the balance sheet in terms of this European sleight of hand in reducing global CO2 emissions is negative.

The stated motive and reason for being of the Green Deal is to save the climate, which in European circles is often spelled with a capital C – “Climate” — which says a lot about the religiosity of the whole approach. To “save the planet,” we are told, we need to reduce CO2 emissions.

The only technological way we know so far to reduce CO2 emissions is by nuclear power. The EU “elites,” however, hate nuclear power: their real objective is not to mitigate climate change and “save the planet”, but to force an exit from capitalism and return to the subsistence economy that has always been the ambition, the dream and the horizon of environmentalists — long before there was any talk of global warming. “Capitalism is killing the Planet”, wrote The Guardian.

Freedom of speech

If there is one reality that leaders whose power is founded on myths abhor, it is transparency. Whereas in 2020, the power of the American legacy media still allowed it to make people believe that Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian disinformation operation, over the last few years, this power was been reduced to shreds. The same shift is happening in Europe, under the influence not of European social media networks, because they do not exist, but of American ones, such as X. The EU elite has lost control of the narrative. Europeans are turning away from the lies and myths of the Green Deal en masse.

This is what the EU cannot tolerate. By adopting the Digital Services Act (DSA), the EU wanted to give itself an instrument with which to subdue the American platforms, and are obliged to fund hordes of censors to hunt down content that disagrees with the European Queen-Commission. The EU has been requiring a fine of 6% of worldwide revenue from social media companies, which would inevitably kill off the platforms.

These faceless censor-hunters, who are accountable to no one, are supposed to remove all content that is hateful, discriminatory or transphobic. None of these vague terms can be rigorously defined. Given the absence of precise definitions, the censors do whatever they want. The arbitrariness is total. In practice, these censors massively quash so-called “right-wing” content, while leaving the abundant anti-Semitic, Islamist and Marxist literature untouched.

That, apparently, is the whole point. The European Left, like the American Left, devotes unlimited antagonism to anything that does not think like it, talk like it, dream, eat or work like it.

By introducing legislation such as the DSA, Europe is asserting itself as a major player in the censorship camp, following the example of China, Iran, Russia and Islamist countries, and contributing to the de-civilization of the European continent. After all, isn’t freedom the definition, the reason for being and the sole distinguishing criterion of Western civilization?

Open borders

Not a week goes by in Europe without an illegal immigrant, a recent migrant, an asylum seeker or an Afghan who is here without anyone knowing in what capacity, deliberately mowing down pedestrians, stabbing young women or massacring infants and young children in a crib. Europe is experiencing the worst crisis of migratory anarchy since the Norman and Islamic invasions of the High Middle Ages.

This anarchy is not a natural calamity. It is the result of a series of political decisions, shared between the EU, the European Court of Human Rights and the member states. The EU in particular, being a borderless market, has created and developed an external border guard service, FRONTEX. The problem is that, as European law currently stands (EU + ECHR), these border guards essentially provide a free ferry service between Africa and Europe. European law expressly prohibits them from turning back illegal immigrants when they are intercepted. They are obliged to bring them into the European Union so that they can exercise all their “rights”.

In Europe, even more than in the USA, once an illegal immigrant is in the country, in the overwhelming majority of cases, they stay — millions of them. Europeans watch in amazement as their proud cities — Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Rome, London — undergo demographic metamorphoses in real time, while hate-filled crowds march regularly through their streets shouting anti-Semitic slogans, “death to the Jews” and other benedictions borrowed from their friendly native culture.

Can the EU be saved?

One reason for democracy to exist is to allow a peaceful change of leadership and policy. In the last European Parliament elections, Europeans voted massively to the right, evidently in reaction and fury against the policies of the European Commission under Ursula von der Leyen. What enraged voters is the Green Deal, which makes energy unaffordable, and the migratory chaos, now heavily tinged with Islamism and hatred of Jews.

What came out of those elections? A new von der Leyen Commission! With a different program? No, with a program that is even more radical, environmentalist and censorious than the first von der Leyen Commission. It is as if Americans voted 60% Republican, and the president then appointed was a socialist. How can this be, when Europe claims to swear by “democracy”?

Because of two factors, it seems. The first: the largest group in the European Parliament is the centre-right European People’s Party (EPP). This group is numerically dominated by Germany’s CDU/CSU – the party of former Chancellor Angela Merkel. Her party, however, is to the left of the US Democratic Party on most issues. Its support for the most obtuse environmentalism, and the Green Deal in particular, appears total. Therefore, when it came to imposing a new president of the European Commission after the June 2024 elections, the CDU/CSU chose someone from within its ranks who maintains strong environmentalist convictions: Ursula von der Leyen.

The second and most important factor is that the EU is, in reality, a Potemkin democracy. It looks like a democracy, but is in fact an authoritarian bureaucracy. There is no election by the citizens of a parliament worthy of the name, no transparency, no recourses and, it seems, no way of eliminating the organization or any part of it. European citizens can vote as they please, but it is a self-appointed elite within the European institutions who decide the future of Europe. These “elites” will do anything to keep themselves and their ideology in power. Last week, the Dutch daily De Telegraaf revealed that the first von der Leyen Commission had massively financed environmental NGOs to put pressure on members of the European Parliament — long live the separation of powers! — and citizens in favor of the Green Deal.

In addition, Qatar has massively infiltrated the European Parliament, buying parliamentarians to promote its interests and its Islamist vision of the world. Whether people vote left or right, it makes no difference: Von der Leyen and her far-left environmentalist agenda are still in power. Can one measure the sense of alienation that must be felt by Europeans, forced to finance a corrupt bureaucracy working against their interests?

When it comes to migration, the economy, free speech and democracy, the EU is not the solution to any problem. The EU is the problem.

Drieu Godefridi is a jurist (University Saint-Louis, University of Louvain), philosopher (University Saint-Louis, University of Louvain) and PhD in legal theory (Paris IV-Sorbonne). He is an entrepreneur, CEO of a European private education group and director of PAN Medias Group. He is the author of The Green Reich (2020).

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New Mural in Milan Against Antisemitism Vandalized, Stars of David Again Defaced

New Mural in Milan Against Antisemitism Vandalized, Stars of David Again Defaced

Shiryn Ghermezian

The defaced mural “Halt! Stoj!” by AleXsandro Palombo. Photo: Provided

Two more murals by Italian contemporary artist aleXsandro Palombo in Milan, Italy, that draw attention to antisemitism and the Holocaust were vandalized shortly after they debuted on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, The Algemeiner has learned.

In honor of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp on Jan. 27, Palombo created two large murals that focused on antisemitism and denial, and paid tribute to three of the last living Italian survivors of the Holocaust and the Auschwitz concentration camp. All the Stars of David on the two street artworks were defaced by vandals.

In the first mural, the large blue Star of David has been removed from the Israeli flag draped over the shoulders of Italian-Hungarian writer and poet Edith Bruck as she stands under the words “Arbeit macht frei” (“Work makes you free”), which is the motto featured on the main gate of Auschwitz. The mural is aptly titled “Arbeit macht frei.

Palombo’s second mural features Bruck as well as Italian Senator Liliana Segre and Italian author Sami Modiano. All three Holocaust survivors are depicted as characters from “The Simpsons” — a popular style for Palombo — while dressed in striped concentration camp prisoner uniforms. They also wear bulletproof vests that have yellow Stars of David on them as they stand under the words “Arbeit macht frei.

To the left of the three Holocaust survivors is a sign that says “Halt! Stoj!” with a skull and crossbones symbol, which is seen throughout the Auschwitz concentration camp. Pope Francis is additionally portrayed with a sign on his chest that reads “antisemitism is everywhere” while with his hand he shakes a bell, to warn the world about the spread of antisemitism. All the Stars of David on the mural — titled “Halt! Stoj!” — have also been removed by vandals.

The defaced mural “Arbeit macht frei” by AleXsandro Palombo. Photo: Provided

The defaced mural “Halt! Stoj!” by AleXsandro Palombo. Photo: Provided

Last year, another mural by Palombo about antisemitism and the Holocaust was repeatedly defaced in Milan in Novemberand then completed painted over by antisemites in December. He has since recreated that defaced mural, and it was recently acquired by the Shoah Museum in Rome, where it will be a part of the institution’s permanent collection. It is now on display in front of the ancient complex Portico d’Ottavia in the historic Jewish ghetto of Rome.

“The repeated attacks on works of street art dedicated to the memory [of the Holocaust] and portraying survivors of Auschwitz not only cause infinite bitterness, but also show how the value of democracy and all our freedoms are in danger,” Palombo said in a statement. “Segre wanted the word ‘indifference’ to become a warning, the key to understanding the cause of evil, and it is clear that those who continue to be indifferent to these repeated antisemitic outrages become accomplices to this terrible social, civil and cultural drift.”

Mario Venezia, president of the Shoah Museum in Rome, described the vandalism of Palombo’s new murals as “despicable.” She said the museum is working with Palombo to recreate the defaced artworks.

“Edith Bruck, Liliana Segre, and Sami Modiano, with their tireless commitment to dialogue, have always chosen the path of constructive confrontation, speaking to thousands of young people and interacting with civil and religious institutions. And yet the acrimony of the haters has struck again, defacing the works that the artist aleXsandro Palombo had dedicated to them,” she said. “This time, too, we will not remain silent. We are already working to restore what has been violated, forcefully reaffirming our message. We do so to honor the survivors, to send a clear signal to those who attack the memory [of the Holocaust] and to all those young people who, with passion and respect, support its value and legacy.”

Palombo has included a “Simpson” reference in many of his artworks. For a mural created at the Iranian Consulate in Milan in 2022, he created a lookalike of Marge Simpson but had her iconic hair cut in solidarity with Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old Iranian woman who died while in custody of Iran’s morality police for not wearing a hijab correctly in accordance with the country’s Islamic laws. Carolyn Omine, the executive producer of “The Simpsons,” shared images of the mural on X.

Palombo has regularly created social-political art throughout his 30-year career. In 2015, he created a series of works titled “Never Again, The Simpsons deported to Auschwitz” and painted part of the series on the walls of the Shoah Memorial in Milan in honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day in 2023. That mural has been defaced five times, including once when vandals wrote “W Hitler” and “F—k Israel” over the artwork.

In October 2024, Palombo’s mural that highlighted Vlada Patapov — a survivor of the Nova music festival massacre that took place during the Hamas-led terrorist attack in Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, — was also defaced by vandals. In November 2023, a month after the start of the Israel-Hamas war, Palombo painted a mural that featured Holocaust victim and teenage diarist Anne Frank next to a girl from the Gaza Strip. He made a second mural of a boy from Gaza dressed as a Hamas terrorist. The boy stands next to an adult terrorist and together they point their guns at a young Jewish boy from the Warsaw Ghetto during the Holocaust.

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