Archive | 2024/10/26

Bohaterowie Palestyńczyków: mordercy, gwałciciele i porywacze dzieci

Ponad osiem miesięcy po ataku Hamasu na Izrael 7 października większość Palestyńczyków w dalszym ciągu wyraża poparcie dla okrucieństw popełnionych przez wspieraną przez Iran grupę terrorystyczną, w tym morderstw, gwałtów, ścięcia i spalenia setek Izraelczyków. Wsparcie dla Hamasu zbiega się również z trwającą promocją administracji Bidena i niektórych narodów europejskich na rzecz utworzenia państwa palestyńskiego tuż obok Izraela. Na zdjęciu: terroryści Hamasu i Palestyńskiego Islamskiego Dżihadu dzielą chwilę przyjaźni dla tłumów w mieście Rafah w Strefie Gazy, 28 listopada 2023 r. (Zdjęcie: AFP via Getty Images)

Bohaterowie Palestyńczyków: mordercy, gwałciciele i porywacze dzieci

Bassam Tawil
Tłumaczenie: Małgorzata Koraszewska

Ponad osiem miesięcy po ataku Hamasu na Izrael 7 października większość Palestyńczyków w dalszym ciągu wyraża poparcie dla okrucieństw popełnionych przez wspieraną przez Iran grupę terrorystyczną, w tym morderstw, gwałtów, ścinania głów i palenia setek Izraelczyków.

To ciągłe wsparcie dla Hamasu utrzymuje się w cieniu kierowanych przez USA wysiłków na rzecz zakończenia obecnej wojny w Strefie Gazy, co skutecznie utrzymałoby Hamas przy władzy, umożliwiając przygotowanie kolejnej masakry Izraelczyków.

Wsparcie dla Hamasu zbiega się również z trwającą promocją administracji Bidena i niektórych narodów europejskich na rzecz utworzenia państwa palestyńskiego tuż obok Izraela. Posunięcie to nie tylko otworzyłoby drzwi do większej liczby okrucieństw wobec Izraelczyków, ale także naraziłoby Izrael na poważne niebezpieczeństwo, ponieważ państwem palestyńskim, nawet pod rzekomo czujnym okiem zachodniej przyzwoitki praktycznie rządziliby ci sami mordercy i gwałciciele, którzy brali udział w rzezi 7 października.

Trzy badania opinii publicznej przeprowadzone przez Palestyńskie Centrum Badań Politycznych i Ankietowych (PSR) po 7 października wykazały, że przeważająca większość Palestyńczyków popiera zbrodnie popełnione tego dnia, w których zginęło 1200 Izraelczyków.

Pierwszy sondaż przeprowadzony w grudniu 2023 r. wykazał, że poparcie Palestyńczyków dla masakry wyniosło 72%. Drugi sondaż, przeprowadzony w marcu 2024 r., wykazał, że 71% Palestyńczyków popiera masakrę. Trzeci sondaż, opublikowany 12 czerwca, wykazał, że dwie trzecie Palestyńczyków uważa, że okrucieństwa były “słuszne”. Według najnowszego sondażu PSR jedynie 17% Palestyńczyków uważa, że masakra z 7 października była “niesłuszna”.

Jednym z powodów, dla których większość Palestyńczyków nadal wspiera masakrę z 7 października, jest wiara, że morderstwa, gwałty i ścięcia Izraelczyków “ponownie skupiły międzynarodową uwagę na konflikcie izraelsko-palestyńskim i że może to prowadzić do większego uznania państwowości palestyńskiej”, napisało PSR w analizie sondażu z 12 czerwca.

Oznacza to, że większość Palestyńczyków postrzega niedawne uznanie państwa palestyńskiego przez niektóre kraje europejskie wraz z żądaniem administracji Bidena dotyczącym “konkretnej, określonej w czasie i nieodwracalnej drogi do państwa palestyńskiego” jako nagrodę za koszmar 7 października.

Te kraje europejskie – Irlandia, Norwegia i Hiszpania – wysłały Palestyńczykom informację, że jedynym sposobem, w jaki mogą zyskać międzynarodowe uznanie dla swojego państwa, jest mordowanie Żydów.

W podobnym duchu administracja Bidena przekazała Palestyńczykom, że barbarzyństwo z 7 października zwiększyło prawdopodobieństwo utworzenia państwa terrorystycznego rządzonego przez reżim irański i jego palestyńskich pełnomocników, które zostałoby wykorzystane jako platforma startowa do mordowania większej liczby Żydów i niszczenia Izraela. Widać to po stałym wsparciu administracji dla “rozwiązania w postaci dwóch państw”.

Sondaż wykazał, że większość Palestyńczyków (61%) wolałaby, aby Hamas kontrolował Strefę Gazy po wojnie, w porównaniu do zaledwie 16%, które opowiadało się za “nową Autonomią Palestyńską z wybranym prezydentem, parlamentem i rządem”. Tylko 6% wybrało obecną Autonomię Palestyńską (AP) bez Mahmuda Abbasa, a kolejne 6% wybrało powrót AP do Strefy Gazy, ale pod jego kontrolą.

Nie zaskoczyło również to, że według sondażu gdyby wybory prezydenckie w Palestynie odbyły się dzisiaj, większość Palestyńczyków głosowałaby na kandydata, który ma żydowską krew na rękach: arcyterrorysta Marwan Barghouti, który odsiaduje pięć dożywotnich wyroków za swoją rolę w zamordowaniu pięciu Izraelczyków zdobyłby 42% głosów, przed przywódcą Hamasu Ismailem Haniją (27%) i Mahmoudem Abbasem (5%). Prawie 90% chce rezygnacji Abbasa, gdyż poziom niezadowolenia z jego rządów wynosi 86%.

Na pytanie, którą partię polityczną popierają, największy odsetek respondentów wybrał Hamas (40%), a następnie rządzącą frakcję Abbasa Fatah (20%), natomiast 8% wybiera inne ugrupowania, a 33% stwierdziło, że żadne z nich lub nie wie. Poprzedni sondaż PSR, przeprowadzony trzy miesiące temu, pokazał, że 34% Palestyńczyków popiera Hamas, a 17% wybrało Fatah. Oznacza to, że poparcie dla Hamasu w ciągu ostatnich trzech miesięcy wzrosło o 6 punktów.

Kolejnym sygnałem rosnącej popularności Hamasu wśród Palestyńczyków jest to, że 32% stwierdziło, że w nowych wyborach parlamentarnych zagłosuje na Hamas, podczas gdy Fatah otrzyma jedynie 17%. Odsetek Palestyńczyków, którzy uważają, że Hamas najbardziej zasługuje na reprezentowanie Palestyńczyków i przewodzenie im, również wzrósł z 49% trzy miesiące temu do 51% obecnie.

Ciosem w starania administracji Bidena o “rewitalizację” AP jest to, że przeważająca większość (72%) Palestyńczyków uważa, że nowy rząd mianowany przez Mahmuda Abbasa i kierowany przez Mohammada Mustafę nie zdoła przeprowadzić reform. Kolejne 77% Palestyńczyków uważa, że nowemu rządowi nie uda się zwalczyć korupcji.

Większość Palestyńczyków wie to, czego administracja Bidena nie chce wiedzieć: że przywódcom AP nie można ufać, że wdrożą jakiekolwiek reformy lub zwalczą korupcję finansową i administracyjną.

Kolejnym ciosem w administrację Bidena jest to, że ostatni sondaż wykazał, że 65% Palestyńczyków sprzeciwia się idei “rozwiązania w postaci dwóch państw”.

Ponadto 54% ankietowanych Palestyńczyków popiera “walkę zbrojną” przeciwko Izraelowi, co stanowi wzrost o 8 punktów w porównaniu z poprzednim sondażem sprzed trzech miesięcy.

Wyniki sondażu PSR ponownie potwierdzają, że większość Palestyńczyków w dalszym ciągu wspiera grupę terrorystyczną, której celem jest zniszczenie Izraela i zastąpienie go państwem islamistycznym. Pokazują także, że ulubionymi przywódcami Palestyńczyków są mordercy, gwałciciele i porywacze żydowskich dzieci.

Wyniki sondażu potwierdzają również, jak wyglądałoby państwo palestyńskie: byłoby to państwo terrorystyczne finansowane i zbrojone przez Katar i Iran.

Hamas zapowiedział już dokonanie większej liczby okrucieństw na Izraelczykach w stylu 7 października. Funkcjonariusz Hamasu, Ghazi Hamad, powiedział , że Hamas będzie wielokrotnie powtarzał atak z 7 października, aż Izrael zostanie unicestwiony, i że wszystko, co zrobił Hamas, było uzasadnione. Właśnie z powodu takiej postawy Izrael nie ma innego wyboru jak zniszczenie Hamasu.

Hamad powiedział również , że Egipt i Katar nie wywarły żadnego nacisku na Hamas, by zaakceptował proponowane przez Bidena zawieszenie broni, a doniesienia mediów o groźbach wydalenia przywódców Hamasu z Kataru są fałszywe.

Wyniki sondażu PSR pokazują, że większość Palestyńczyków uległa takiej radykalizacji, że postrzegają morderców i gwałcicieli jako bohaterów i wzorce do naśladowania. Administracja Bidena i ci Europejczycy, którzy desperacko pragną państwa palestyńskiego i nawołują do zawieszenia broni w Strefie Gazy, powinni zauważyć ten wynik.

A może to właśnie dlatego chcą wygranej Hamasu? Chcą zobaczyć, jak Żydzi w końcu dostają za swoje, bo mieli czelność zamiast akceptacji roli biednych zmiażdżonych ofiar II wojny światowej, ciężko pracować i przekształcili krainę pełną malarycznych bagien, wydm i pustyń w nowoczesne, odnoszące sukcesy państwo ?

Amjad Taha, strateg polityczny i analityk ze Zjednoczonych Emiratów Arabskich, skomentował:

“Jeśli zawieszenie broni oznacza, że terroryści, gwałciciele i porywacze dzieci Hamasu pozostaną w Gazie, to nikt w Izraelu, Gazie ani na Bliskim Wschodzie tego nie chce. Utrzymywanie nazistów przy władzy i dawanie im chwili na oddech jest nie do przyjęcia. Izrael powinien szybko i zdecydowanie wyeliminować siły terrorystyczne Bractwa Muzułmańskiego w Gazie.”

Bassam Tawil jest muzułmańskim badaczem i publicystą, mieszkającym na Bliskim Wschodzie.

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Iran’s Assassination Program in Europe: Europe Goes Back to Sleep

Iran’s Assassination Program in Europe: Europe Goes Back to Sleep

Robert Williams

  • “In order to maintain a degree of separation from the terror cells it operates in Europe and to ensure plausible deniability, there is no direct contact between Tehran and members of the cells. In the case of the recently detained French cell, instructions on where and when to carry out attacks were relayed via international networks of criminals and drug smugglers.” — Daniel Dolev, Israeli investigative journalist,, September 5, 2024.
  • In addition to the Iranian dissidents that it has been hunting for years, the Iranian regime now literally hunts Jews in Europe.
  • Iran, in other words, has extended its operations from having terrorists as proxies to having criminals as proxies.
  • According to Britain’s MI5, the situation is about to get much worse….
  • Despite all this clear knowledge… the leadership of the European Union and the UK refuse to designate the IRGC a terrorist organization. Instead, European countries target Israel with arms boycotts, constant condemnation and general opprobrium, although Israel’s fight against Iran belongs at least as much to Europe and the West, no matter how hard — out of dread — they might try to deny it.
  • If they think that pressuring Israel not to confront this existential threat will make it disappear, they are sadly mistaken. As in World War II, it is by supporting Israel in defeating aggression that they will stop it.
  • Last year, by an overwhelming majority, the European Parliament passed a resolution to that effect, but the EU nevertheless refused to designate the IRGC as such. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell claimed there were legal obstacles, however, that claim has been refuted as a lie.
  • After Iran’s direct missile attack on Israel on April 13, the European Parliament again, by an overwhelming majority, adopted a resolution to designate the IRGC a terrorist organization…. It also requested that the EU add Hezbollah to the terror list. Borrell, once more, simply refused, arguing that “listing this organisation as a ‘terrorist organisation’ would have no practical effect.”
  • Designating the IRGC as a terrorist organization would make it possible to press terrorism charges and prosecute both members of the organization and those supporting it. It seems as if the majority of European leaders are once again determined, as in appeasing Churchill’s crocodile, to be “eaten last.”
  • “Putting IRGC on the EU terror list is an important step to protect the national security, to protect our communities, particularly the Iranian diaspora and the Jewish community because there is a genuine terror threat and because they are not only targeting and conducting terror plots but they are also nurturing homegrown Shia islamist radicalisation, using the Isis and Al Qaeda methods. However, because IRGC is not proscribed (as a terror group), these activities are not outlawed.” — Kasra Aarabi, director of IRGC research at United Against Nuclear Iran,, May 6, 2024.
  • Are European politicians really that eager for the votes of their unassimilable newcomers — who appear to be planning to take over Europe? Or are Europe’s politicians afraid that if they fail to delegitimize Israel at every opportunity, the newcomers might inflict even more terrorism on European soil? Does Europe really want to live in a state of being permanently extorted? The price goes only one way: up.

Iran, the world’s “leading state sponsor of terrorism,” has been recruiting gang members and drug dealers in Europe to murder Iranian dissidents, Israelis and Jews, according to a report published in September. Pictured: Iran’s President Masoud Pezeshkian looks on from the dais, as a Fattah ballistic missile is displayed during at a military parade in Tehran on September 21, 2024. Fattah missiles were used in Iran’s October 1, 2024 attack on Israel. (Photo by Atta Kenare/AFP via Getty Images)

Iran, the world’s “leading state sponsor of terrorism,” has been recruiting gang members and drug dealers in Europe to murder Iranian dissidents, Israelis and Jews, according to a report published in September by the European Investigative Collaborations (EIC) organization and journalists from nine outlets, including France’s Mediapart, Germany’s Der Spiegel, Spain’s Infolibre and Israel’s Shomrim.

This is happening at the same time as Europe, and most of the world, led by the Biden-Harris administration, are doing all they can to stop Israel from putting an end to the Iranian regime and its multiple terrorist and proxy wars against Israel from Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Sudan.

US and European authorities have termed it the “Iranian Transnational Assassinations Network.” One of these networks — there are several — is led by a drug dealer. According to the US Treasury Department:

“The network is led by Iranian narcotics trafficker Naji Ibrahim Sharifi-Zindashti (Zindashti) and operates at the behest of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS). Zindashti’s network has carried out numerous acts of transnational repression including assassinations and kidnappings across multiple jurisdictions in an attempt to silence the Iranian regime’s perceived critics. The network has also plotted operations in the United States…

“The MOIS and Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) have long targeted perceived regime opponents in acts of transnational repression outside of Iran, a practice that the regime has accelerated in recent years. A wide range of dissidents, journalists, activists, and former Iranian officials have been targeted for assassination, kidnapping, and hacking operations across numerous countries in the Middle East, Europe, and North America. The regime increasingly relies on organized criminal groups in furtherance of these plots in an attempt to obscure links to the Government of Iran and maintain plausible deniability.”

The criminal groups hired by Iran increasingly target Israelis and Jews in Europe, including Israeli embassies and private Jewish individuals:

In Sweden, two violent criminal gangs, “Foxtrot,” headed by Iranian-born criminal Rawa Majid, and its rival “Rumba,” headed by Ismail Abdo, have reportedly been recruited by Iran, which pays them to commit terror against Israeli and Jewish targets in Europe. The two gangs have been connected with repeated shooting attacks against the Israeli Embassy in Stockholm. Foxtrot, according to Swedish public broadcaster SVT, was also behind an attack using hand grenades close to the Israeli embassy in Copenhagen on October 2. Three “Swedish” men were arrested in connection with the attack.

An Iranian-recruited terror cell arrested in France was plotting the murder of four Israeli citizens working in France, as well as three senior members of the Jewish community in Germany, according to the Shomrim report. The terror cell, apparently recruited to set fire to buildings belonging to Israeli-owned companies in the south of France, was headed by “a major drug dealer” from the Lyon area called Umit Bulbul, whom French authorities believe to be currently in Iran. The cell’s operations were carried out by Algerian-born French national known as Abdulkarim S, who has previously served prison time for his involvement in a gang warfare double-murder in Marseilles, in addition to drug trafficking.

According to the Shomrim report:

“In order to maintain a degree of separation from the terror cells it operates in Europe and to ensure plausible deniability, there is no direct contact between Tehran and members of the cells. In the case of the recently detained French cell, instructions on where and when to carry out attacks were relayed via international networks of criminals and drug smugglers.”

One of the Israelis targeted in France, Roey, was informed by French security services that an Iranian-directed terror cell was planning to kill him. For months, he received more such alerts; was told that it would be safer for him to leave the country, and that he would have to move between no fewer than six different apartments during his time in France. In addition to the Iranian dissidents that it has been hunting for years, the Iranian regime now literally hunts Jews in Europe.

Iran, according to reports, was behind the foiled terrorist attack against the Chabad House of Athens, Greece, which hosts a Jewish community center and a kosher restaurant. Here, Iran, via a Pakistani named Sayed Fakhar Abbas, offered to pay a local acquaintance in Greece 15,000 euros for each Jew that he managed to kill.

According to the Washington Post, Iran hires Eastern European criminals as well as “old” and established gangs, such as Hells Angels. Iran, in other words, has extended its operations from having terrorists as proxies to having criminals as proxies. The Washington Post wrote:

“In recent years, Iran has outsourced lethal operations and abductions to Hells Angels biker gangs, a notorious Russian mob network known as ‘Thieves in Law,’ a heroin distribution syndicate led by an Iranian narco-trafficker and violent criminal groups from Scandinavia to South America.”

Earlier this year, an Iranian couple in Sweden, pretending to be Afghan refugees — who had arrived in 2015 with fake identities but were acting at the behest of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, IRGC — were caught plotting to kill three Swedish Jews.

There is nothing new about these Iranian terrorist activities, but they appear to have accelerated since October 7, at least when it comes to Israeli and Jewish targets. It is estimated that Iran has been hiring criminals for murder abroad for at least a decade.

According to Britain’s MI5, the situation is about to get much worse: the UK will see a “staggering rise” in assassination attempts by Iranian-hired criminals, but also by criminals hired by Russia, with both countries recruiting from the underworld to “do their dirty work.”

MI5 Director General Ken McCallum said that in the UK alone, his organization had foiled 20 “potentially lethal” plots backed by Iran since 2022 with the majority of the threats until now aimed at Iranians abroad.

McCallum said that radicalized individuals and a revived Islamic State group have combined to create “the most complex and interconnected threat environment we’ve ever seen.”

Despite all this clear knowledge about the Iranian regime’s assassination and terrorist plots on European soil — and the IRGC’s crucial role in them — the leadership of the European Union and the UK refuse to designate the IRGC a terrorist organization. Instead, European countries target Israel with arms boycotts, constant condemnation and general opprobrium, although Israel’s fight against Iran belongs at least as much to Europe and the West, no matter how hard — out of dread — they might try to deny it.

As stated by the US Congress, the IRGC “trains, funds, arms, and shares intelligence with dangerous proxy forces throughout the Middle East and abroad” and also, as described by the Wall Street Journal, prepared and trained Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists for the October 7, 2023 massacre in Israel. If they think that pressuring Israel not to confront this existential threat will make it disappear, they are sadly mistaken. As in World War II, it is by supporting Israel in defeating aggression that they will stop it.

The US Congress, Israel and thousands of Iranians have urged the European Union to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization. Last year, by an overwhelming majority, the European Parliament passed a resolution to that effect, but the EU nevertheless refused to designate the IRGC as such. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell claimed there were legal obstacles, however, that claim has been refuted as a lie.

After Iran’s direct missile attack on Israel on April 13, the European Parliament again, by an overwhelming majority, adopted a resolution to designate the IRGC a terrorist organization, while strongly condemning Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israeli territory, and “vowing full support for the security of Israel and its citizens against the threats of the Iranian government and its proxies.” It also requested that the EU add Hezbollah to the terror list. Borrell, once more, simply refused, arguing that “listing this organisation as a ‘terrorist organisation’ would have no practical effect.”

German MEP Hannah Neumann said in response:

“What more does this regime have to do until you finally wake up to the harsh realities? The IRGC is a terror organisation …The drones and missiles attacking Israel and attacking our ships in the Red Sea are manufactured in Iran, and we should have sanctioned all those involved months ago.”

Swedish MEP Charlie Weimers bluntly called Borrell a liar:

“You shamelessly lied to protect the IRGC. We won’t miss you, Mr. Borrell, but I’m sure the mullahs will.”

The IRGC is not designated a terrorist organization by any of the individual European states either, including the UK, but in May, the Swedish parliament voted in favor of designating the IRGC as a terrorist organization. Sweden has also been pressing the EU to do the same.

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said in October:

“The only reasonable consequence is that we get a common terror classification, so that you can act more broadly than the sanctions that already exist.”

Designating the IRGC as a terrorist organization would make it possible to press terrorism charges and prosecute both members of the organization and those supporting it. It seems as if the majority of European leaders are once again determined, as in appeasing Churchill’s crocodile, to be “eaten last.”

Kasra Aarabi, director of IRGC research at United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI), said:

“Putting IRGC on the EU terror list is an important step to protect the national security, to protect our communities, particularly the Iranian diaspora and the Jewish community because there is a genuine terror threat and because they are not only targeting and conducting terror plots but they are also nurturing homegrown Shia islamist radicalisation, using the Isis and Al Qaeda methods. However, because IRGC is not proscribed (as a terror group), these activities are not outlawed.”

Perhaps little Israel will take on Iran, thereby saving the Europeans, along with the Iranian people, from their cowardly, quisling-like rulers.

Are European politicians really that eager for the votes of their unassimilable newcomers — who appear to be planning to take over Europe? Or are Europe’s politicians afraid that if they fail to delegitimize Israel at every opportunity, the newcomers might inflict even more terrorism on European soil? Does Europe really want to live in a state of being permanently extorted? The price goes only one way: up.

Robert Williams is based in the United States.

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Germany’s Eurovision Contestant Calls Out ‘So Much Hate’ Against Israeli Singer Eden Golan During Competition

Germany’s Eurovision Contestant Calls Out ‘So Much Hate’ Against Israeli Singer Eden Golan During Competition

Shiryn Ghermezian

The representative of Germany Isaak at the Eurovision Song Cotest entering the main stage on May 11, 2024 in Malmo, Sweden. Photo: Sanjin Strukic/PIXSELL/Sipa USA via Reuters Connect

Germany’s representative in the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest shared his thoughts in a recent interview about the hatred and booing that Israeli singer Eden Golan received while competing on behalf of Israel in the international competition earlier this year.

“I can definitely understand why everyone was booing, but I think the Eurovision Song Contest says we are all ‘united by music’ and I didn’t see no unity,” German singer Isaak, 29, said in an interview with Irish blogger, referring to the official slogan of the Eurovision competition. He further said of Golan: “It’s a young musician performing quite well and everyone f—ked her off. There was so much hate in this room, and hate shouldn’t be a place in the Eurovision Song Contest.”

Isaak finished in 12th place in the Eurovision finals this year in Malmo, Sweden, while Golan finished in fifth. The Israeli singer competed with a song called “Hurricane,” a reworded version of her original song “October Rain,” which was disqualified for being too political since it referenced the Hamas massacre in Israel that took place on Oct. 7, 2023.

Golan made it to the top five of the Eurovision contest despite being booed on stage by anti-Israel audience members, facing death threats, and having a Eurovision jury member refuse to give her points because of his personal feelings against Israel’s military actions during the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. Golan also said she had to conceal her identity outside her hotel room in Malmo because of the threats she received from anti-Israel activists angry about the Jewish state’s participation in the contest.

Isaak told Irish blogger that he believes Golan was bullied during the competition. He then criticized people for wrongfully targeting Golan with hatred when they have issues with the state of Israel but not the singer herself. The German singer then said the animosity was misguided and it was wrong for Golan to face such abuse just for her affiliation with Israel. He said a personal experience like what Golan faced can deeply scar a musician

“Do you know how young she is?” Isaak asked about the 21-year-old Israeli singer. “This is your life goal and you wanna be part of Eurovision Song Contest and you’re going on that stage … just imagine Germany f—ks up in some point. And I’m German and I wanna be part of the Eurovision. And I’m just a random musician, I just wanna show them my music. I’m not the f—k president. I’m just a random musician, I just wanna make a small kid’s dream come true. And then I go on that stage and no matter how good I am, no matter how f—k amazing I can sing, the people just see my country and they just boo me out. I think that would be the most terrible thing that could maybe ever happen to me. I think that can definitely leave scars.”

Isaak also talked in the interview about his experience backstage with the other singers at the Eurovision competition. “You didn’t really have that feeling [that] we are all ‘united by music.’ It was a little bit sad behind the stage, that’s what I think. There could have been more love, more connectivity, and more passion,” he said.

The 2025 Eurovision Song Contest will take place in Basel, Switzerland, in May. Bakel Walden, chairman of the Eurovision Song Contest Reference Group, discussed in a recent interview with Swiss media some changes to next year’s competition. He said the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), which organizes the competition, “will pay more attention” to the well-being of artists in the future and stated that it is vital for the competition to maintain political neutrality. He insisted that “antisemitism has no place at the ESC.”

“The ESC stands for freedom of expression. The artists can comment on anything and also demonstrate in front of the hall. But on stage you need certain rules,” he said. “We want an ESC in which everyone puts their heart and soul into it. We cannot solve the many wars and conflicts in the world during the ESC. But it is a strong statement if we treat each other fairly, peacefully, and respectfully.”‘

Walden added that for next year’s competition the EBU will also have a crisis management team and “retreat rooms” for artists to relax where there will be no filming allowed.

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