Archive | December 2020

Prof. hopes report on Jesus’s home will focus attention on cave churches

Prof. hopes report on Jesus’s home will focus attention on cave churches


The phenomenon of cave churches and how they influenced later Christian worship and architecture is just beginning to be studied seriously and in depth.

Steps are seen in a cave at the Sisters of Nazareth site. / (photo credit: COURTESY OF PROF. KEN DARK)

“Cave churches have largely been neglected in discussions of development of church architecture around the world,” said Prof. Ken Dark of the University of Reading in England.

“But some may be among the earliest known places of Christian worship.”

It is important for him to emphasize this point to put his research into context, because he recently published a book called The Sisters of Nazareth Convent: A Roman-period, Byzantine, and Crusader site in central Nazareth with Routledge Press, which made headlines around the world last week as reporters seized on one of his findings to say that he claimed to have found the site of Jesus’ boyhood home.

In his book, he wrote about how Christians in the Byzantine period believed that the dwelling underneath the Sisters of Nazareth Convent had been the home of young Jesus, which led first to the construction of a cave church in the hillside right next to it, before both the house and cave church were incorporated into a big church with a vaulted crypt.

However, what he feels was often overlooked in last week’s media frenzy was that while people in the Byzantine period probably held this belief and while they may even have been correct, it cannot be proved.

One passage in his book sets out his actual conclusion about the house: “It is, therefore, currently impossible to tell whether those who constructed the Phase 3 cave-church [the church built on the site in the fourth century CE] chose the correct location for Jesus’s house, although equally there is no reason to rule out the possibility that they did. What can be said more certainly is that Structure 1 [the first century dwelling] was probably part of the settlement where Jesus was brought up, and that the family of a tekton [craftsman] in first-century Nazareth may well have lived in a house of this form. Structure 1, therefore, has at least a contextual relevance for biblical studies… and beliefs about its identification have probably played an important part in the use of the Sisters of Nazareth site since at least the fourth century.”

Often the world press, he said, seemed to ignore that he said it was “impossible to tell” that this had been Jesus’ home and focus only on the fact that he said, “there is no reason to rule out the possibility.”

He said he hoped that “my book will also focus attention on cave churches and their part in the development of church architecture.”

While there were cave churches wherever early Christians lived in the Roman and Byzantine empires, and beyond in Ethiopia and Europe, the phenomenon of these churches and how they influenced later Christian worship and architecture is just beginning to be studied seriously and in depth, using modern archaeological tools.

There are many new directions this research can take, and Dark said that the Sisters of Nazareth site helped answer some questions about how the caves were used.

But he emphasized that he was looking for archaeological facts and not trying to prove any specific point about the life of Jesus. Dark said he is an “archaeologist of the Roman period and only an accidental biblical archaeologist. I didn’t go to Nazareth to find Jesus’ house, but to understand how the Byzantine Christian pilgrim center there emerged.”

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Netanyahu Speaks With Morocco’s King, Invites Him to Israel

Netanyahu Speaks With Morocco’s King, Invites Him to Israel

Reuters and Algemeiner Staff

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu adjusts his protective face mask after receiving a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine at Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan, Israel December 19, 2020. Photo: REUTERS/Amir Cohen

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke on Friday with Morocco’s King Mohammed VI and invited him to visit Israel, Netanyahu’s office said.

The two leaders spoke about moving forward with a US-brokered agreement announced earlier this month to normalize bilateral ties, according to the Israeli statement.

Netanyahu also thanked King Mohammed for hosting an official Israeli delegation this week.

King Mohammed underscored the close ties between the Moroccan Jewish community and the monarchy, the Royal Court said in a statement.

While welcoming the resumption of relations with Israel, the King said Morocco’s position regarding Palestine remains unchanged.

Rabat advocates the two-state solution and the unique character of Jerusalem as a city of three religions.

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Osiecka i PRL

Osiecka i PRL


Biograficzny serial o autorce „Małgośki”, „Na całych jeziorach ty” czy „Kochanków z ulicy Kamiennej” napisali i wyreżyserowali mężczyźni. Jak to w TVP. Trzy pierwsze odcinki zapowiadają realistycznie odmalowany portret niezależnie myślącej kobiety i artystki na tle kolejnych epok PRL, który nie cały był koszmarem. Jak nie w TVP.

W tekście o Agnieszki Osieckiej bujnym życiu po życiu, w świątecznej „Polityce”, współscenarzysta 13-odcinkowej „Osieckiej” Maciej Wojtyszko zapowiada serial następująco: – Znałem Agnieszkę, reżyserowałem jeden z odcinków jej „Listów śpiewających”, doskonale pamiętam też tamte czasy. I myślę, że w serialu udało się oddać klimat epoki, prawda o tamtych czasach się sączy, w miarę uczciwie jest to pokazane, choć są pewne skróty, czasem z dwóch postaci tworzymy jedną. A wszystko pisane tak, by nie narazić się na procesy, wszak wielu bohaterów albo ich najbliżsi wciąż żyją.

Reżyser większości odcinków Michał Rosa – Robert Gliński wyreżyserował początek i finał, w trakcie odszedł do realizacji filmu o księdzu Ziei – całość streszcza tak: – Mamy historię o kobiecie, która myśli samodzielnie, jest niezależna, nie mieści się w schemacie i ciągle się w kimś kocha, często traktując mężczyzn jak natchnienie. A równolegle mamy i Cybulskiego, i Kobielę, i Andrzejewskiego, i Hłaskę, i Przyborę z Wasowskim, jest Giedroyć i środowisko paryskiej „Kultury”. Przywołujemy ich dokonania, piosenki, teksty. Polska tamtych czasów.

I z grubsza tak to wygląda na ekranie, przynajmniej w trzech pokazanych już pierwszych odcinkach. Są dostępne na platformie vod TVP (wraz z dokumentami o Osieckiej, nagraniami jej sztuk i piosenek), a TVP1 ma je wyemitować 25, 26 i 27 grudnia. Emisja następnych dziesięciu jest przewidziana na kolejne niedziele. I choć wydarzenia (i mężczyźni) mkną przez ekran w iście ekspresowym tempie, to generalnie nie jest źle. Jest i Polska Ludowa, i dojrzewająca w niej dziewczyna, w której dojrzewa talent. Nie tylko do pisania, ale też obserwacji – do patrzenia i widzenia.

Obraz jej relacji miłosnych z Witoldem Dąbrowskim (Jan Hryniewicz, zdjęcie na dole) i Markiem Hłaską (Jędrzej Hycnar, na zdjęciu otwierającym) przywodzi na myśl filmy z epoki, ze stylowymi, wygadanymi dziewczynami, które nie urządzają scen zazdrości, przełykają porażki, upokorzenie i idą dalej. Trochę bardziej samotne, poobijane, mniej ufne. Osiecka swoje doświadczenia przerabia na wiersze i teksty, jest trochę bohaterką każdej ze swoich piosenek.

Opowieść startuje we wczesnych latach 50., urodzona w 1936 r. Osiecka (Eliza Rycembel) ma 16 lat i jest młodą, rzucającą się w oczy i rzucającą światu wyzwanie kobietą. Czasy stalinizmu oglądamy z innej perspektywy niż ta, do której przyzwyczaiła swoich widzów telewizja narodowa. Nie ma martyrologii, tortur i więzień, jest nauka „języka wroga” (kurs angielskiego), treningi na basenie, domówki i nasiadówki ZMP, publiczna krytyka za nie dość ideowe nastawienie. Pomiędzy, mimochodem, a nie łopatą do głowy, pojawia się konformizm, donosicielstwo i lojalność, za którą czasem trzeba drogo zapłacić.

I obrazek dziś mający – tak jak donosy i ideowość – bardzo współczesny wydźwięk, czyli milicjanci spisujący młodych ludzi za to, że śpiewają piosenki.

W kolejnych odcinkach za Osiecką wpadamy na jej „pierwszy bal”, na spektakle STS i gdańskiego Bim-Bomu, na światowy zjazd młodzieży socjalistycznej, do łódzkiej Filmówki, do SPATiF i do Kazimierza. Są piosenki – w większości w naturalny sposób wkomponowane w akcję. A Eliza Rycembel – tak jak jej bohaterka – ma charyzmę i talent.

W drugiej połowie serialu pałeczkę przejmie Magdalena Popławska, a w perspektywie są – jak to określił Maciej Wojtyszko – kolejne epoki, kolejni mężczyźni i kolejne Agnieszki.

Osiecka, reż. Robert Gliński, Michał Rosa, TVP1 i, 13 odc.

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Jewish leaders respond to antisemitic cyberattack on NY Jewish school

Jewish leaders respond to antisemitic cyberattack on NY Jewish school


DIASPORA AFFAIRS: On the school’s homepage, the logo was replaced with a swastika and the background image was changed to a Nazi concentration camp.

AN NYPD officer stands guard ahead of gathering in solidarity with the victims of a fatal antisemitic attack in Monsey, New York, during last Hanukkah, December 2019. / (photo credit: AMR ALFIKY/ REUTERS)

NEW YORK – New Yorkers remain on edge following the antisemitic cyberattack that took place at a Jewish high school in Great Neck on December 14. As the FBI continues its investigation, Jewish leaders are speaking out about proactive ways to mitigate further incidents.

“Nothing like this has ever happened in my hometown. I’ve never experienced antisemitism before,” Dina Silberstein told The Jerusalem Post. Silberstein, 37, is an alumna of North Shore Hebrew Academy, a Modern Orthodox yeshiva in Nassau County. On the fifth night of Hanukkah, the academy’s website was hacked, compromising students’ private information and targeting the community with antisemitic threats and slurs.

On the school’s homepage, the North Shore logo was replaced with a swastika, the background image was changed to a Nazi concentration camp and the school’s name was modified to “North Shore Hebrew Concentration Camp.” Its address was changed to that of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

On another page, the hackers posted a picture of Hitler titled “Der Fuhrer Adolf Hitler,” and changed the school’s mission statement to read: “[At the] North Shore Concentration Camp… we believe in executing our Jews, not merely deporting them… we don’t want our Jews to continue being rats to finally erasing them from this Earth is much preferred.”

Silberstein, the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, said she learned about the attack when her sister texted photos. “We knew we had to do something, so I reached out to the ADL right away. They told me they had just heard and were in the process of organizing a webinar in response.”

Roughly 200 people attended the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) webinar on Friday, December 18, many of whom are North Shore alumni or parents. The panel, which was about securing schools from cyberhate and online harassment, featured ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt and supervisory special agent of the FBI Chris Donohue.

Scott Richman, ADL regional director for New York and New Jersey, moderated the panel. Richman told the Post that the webinar was targeted to parents, but was also open to the general public.

“We took inspiration from the fact that this attack happened this week because we received many calls from parents who are concerned, but this webinar is useful for everybody. Cybercrimes don’t just happen in school settings, but schools are particularly vulnerable,” he said.

“The webinar was a major part of our response to what happened at North Shore, because it’s not just about this one school. Of course we want to assist the school, but I also want to go beyond that and use this as a teachable moment,” Richman continued.

“Our goal is to educate everybody on cyber crime so they are aware and also can learn concrete ways to mitigate either before it happens or when it does happen and what to do afterwards. This is an all hands on deck effort and people need to understand what’s going on.”

Silberstein said the webinar was “informative.”

“It was good to hear firsthand how law enforcement and ADL staff approach these things. We heard about ADL’s task force which specifically tracks online groups they’re keeping an eye on, like white supremacists.”

She noted that the discussion did not touch on how New York State authorities respond to antisemitism. “That would be good to hear because now that I live in Manhattan, I’m kind of in a microcosm,” she said.

The state reportedly sent its Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services’ Cyber Incident Response Team to assess the school’s cybersecurity practices. The FBI took over the ongoing investigation on December 16.
“This antisemitic attack is simply despicable, and the fact that it came as the school community celebrated Hanukkah makes it even more repulsive,” Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a statement. “New York State will deploy resources to help the staff, parents and students [of] North Shore Hebrew Academy in the aftermath of this senseless act.”

“By deploying these resources, we are sending a message loud and clear that hate has no place in our state – online or in person – and that New York will always support and protect those targeted for crimes based on who they are or what they believe,” Cuomo added.

Nassau County is home to a significant Jewish population, roughly 230,000 as of 2013. North Shore Hebrew Academy, which serves more than 1,000 children, did not respond to a request for comment.

Evan Bernstein, CEO of Community Security Service (CSS), an organization that has trained thousands of Jewish volunteers in preventing antisemitic attacks, expressed concern over the hacking.

“This is yet another example that shows antisemitism is alive and making a direct impact on our communities. We encourage all institutions to remain vigilant,” Bernstein said. He noted that CSS monitored other reported hate crimes during Hanukkah, including in Kentucky when a Jewish man was run over at a menorah lighting ceremony by a driver yelling antisemitic slurs. In New York City, antisemitic graffiti was allegedly spray painted on a homeowner’s fence on December 16.

Hate crimes hit their highest level in over a decade last year, according to the FBI. The majority of anti-religious hate crimes, which made up about 20 percent of all reported crimes, were motivated by anti-Jewish bias.
But Richman said that when it comes to cyberattacks, the North Shore hacking stands out.

“We’ve seen a great rise of cyber crimes over the past few years. COVID certainly has brought a lot of Zoom bombing. But we’ve seen nothing of this nature.”

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Christmas in the Holy Land

Christmas in the Holy Land

Erick Stakelbeck

Host Erick Stakelbeck gives an on-the-ground look at Christmas in Israel, including an annual Christmas tree tradition in Nazareth that brings Jews and Christians together and a journey to Jerusalem’s Old City to meet “The Santa Claus of the Holy Land.” Plus, a fascinating glimpse into the possible origins of the Three Wise Men.


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