Archive | October 2018




Education Minister Naftali Bennett said that he has “instructed the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs to prepare to assist the community in every possible way.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting at the Prime Minister’s office in Jerusalem September 5, 2018.. (photo credit: RONEN ZVULUN/REUTERS)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a comment on the shooting that occurred on Saturday morning during Sabbath services at Tree of Life synagogue in Squirrel Hill, located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, stating that “the entire people of Israel grieve with the families of the dead.”

A man opened fire on a Jewish community congregating for Shabbat services on Saturday morning in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in one of the deadliest antisemitic attacks in modern US history, killing at least 8 people and injuring several others.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a video message Saturday evening saying that “The entire people of Israel grieve with the families of the dead.”

“We stand together with the Jewish community of Pittsburgh, we stand together with the American people in the face of this horrendous antisemitic brutality and we all pray for the speedy recovery of the wounded,” he continued.

Education Minister Naftali Bennett said that he has “instructed the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs to prepare to assist the community in every possible way.” Immediately after his comment, it was announced that he would be flying out to Pennsylvania that same night.

President Reuven Rivlin commented on the shooting, stating that he is “sure that the law enforcement agencies and the legal authorities in the US will investigate this horrific event thoroughly.”

Israeli Ambassador in the United Nations Danny Danon commented, as well. “We will stand together like a rock against hatred and against those who try to harm Jews all over the world.”

Dov Khenin, Knesset member for the Joint List, said, “I suspect the attack is an expression of the growth of dangerous antisemitism in American society — a part of the racist and violent wave during the presidency of Trump. A leadership that gives way to incitement.”

Culture and Sports Minister Miri Regev, while in Abu Dhabi with Israel’s judo team, said, “Once again, a murderous attack on a holy place and on a holy day.”

“I am certain that the US law enforcement authorities will put their hands on the abominable murderers and their agents and provide them with the full extent of the law,” she continued.

Head of the Zionist Union party Avi Gabay said that “a man who opens fire in a synagogue is not attacking reform, conservative or orthodox Jews. He is attacking all of the Jews.”

@GabbayAviA man who opens fire at a synagogue isn’t attacking Reform or Conservative or Orthodox or Ultra-Orthodox Jews. He is attacking all Jews. The pain is felt by all of us. Our hearts are w/the Jewish community of Pittsburgh & the families of those killed in this awful act of terror.

Chair of Yesh Atid Yair Lapid released a statement Saturday evening, too. “It is important to remember that these are the same good Jews who love Israel that the Israeli government told for years that they are ‘not really Jews’ in their opinion.”

“They are Jews in our opinion. If you are murdered for being Jewish, you are Jewish.”

Michael Wilner contributed to this report.

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Israel Air Force Strikes 80 Hamas Targets in Gaza After 30 Rockets Launched at South

Israel Air Force Strikes 80 Hamas Targets in Gaza After 30 Rockets Launched at South

   Defense Tech


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Śmierć, rytualny pochówek i życie pozagrobowe

Śmierć, rytualny pochówek i życie pozagrobowe


Okładka „Chiduszu” 9/2018. Autorka: Edyta Marciniak



Jak ciało i dusza, jak śmierć i życie, tak nasza okładka podzielona jest na dwie części. Dopiero po rozłożeniu „Chiduszu” można zobaczyć ten pogrzebowy obraz w całości.

Święta praca

Kto i w jaki sposób dokonuje tahary, czyli rytualnego przygotowania ciała przed złożeniem do grobu? Jak przebiega ten proces? Z czym muszą zmagać się ci, którzy go przeprowadzają? W reportażu Święta praca o swoich doświadczeniach opowiadają członkowie bractw pogrzebowych z gmin żydowskich we Wrocławiu, Krakowie oraz Warszawie.

Porozmawiajmy o śmierci

O rabinie Boazie Pashu (byłym rabinie Krakowa) zrobiło się niedawno głośno po tym, jak w jednej ze skrajnie prawicowych gazet grożono mu śmiercią. Pash w wywiadzie dla „Chiduszu” opowiada o tym, jak rozumie życie pozagrobowe w judaizmie oraz jak zmieniały się koncepcje jego postrzegania na przestrzeni wieków. Opisuje również przebieg zamachu terrorystycznego w Jerozolimie, w którym od śmierci uratowała go kurtka przywieziona z Polski.

Wszyscy święci

Opowieść o cmentarzach, które pod swoją opieką ma wrocławska gmina żydowska. Na dwóch z nich są pasieki z ulami. Trzeci jest regularnie okradany, a na czwartym ktoś poukładał stosy z macew. Do piątego nie ma drogi dojazdowej, a na szóstym leży kilkaset porozbijanych nagrobków. Lista tych cmentarzy wydłuża się z każdym rokiem. Tymczasem odpowiedź na pytanie, kto i w jaki sposób miałby o nie dbać, wcale nie jest prosta.

Nie ma historii niemożliwych

Niektórych do poszukiwań skłania od lat ukrywana w rodzinie tajemnica. Inni w ogóle nie znają swoich najbliższych. Druga wojna światowa przerwała wiele życiorysów, zwłaszcza żydowskich. Obecnie, ponad siedemdziesiąt po jej zakończeniu, odpowiedzi na pozostawione w nich zagadki można szukać już tylko w archiwach. Na skorzystanie z usług genealogów decyduje się coraz więcej osób.

Sabina ze Lwowa

Niemal w każdym numerze „Chiduszu” prezentujemy świadectwo osoby, która przeżyła Zagładę. Przejmującą opowieść o Sabinie napisała jej wnuczka. We Wrocławiu, w 70 lat po zakończeniu wojny, babcia postanawia w końcu wyjawić prawdę o sobie i swojej rodzinie. W ciepłe, sierpniowe popołudnie zabiera wnuczkę do wojennego Lwowa i Krakowa, do Auschwitz, Płaszowa i Lichtewerden. To przejmująca historia o miłości, morderstwach, wydawaniu Żydów i pomocy udzielanej przez dobrych ludzi.

Chodź na Pragę

14 listopada nakładem Wydawnictwa Czarne ukaże się książka Adama Dylewskiego Ruda, córka Cwiego, opowiadająca historię Żydów na warszawskiej Pradze. Już w tym numerze prezentujemy najciekawsze wątki z historii praskiej społeczności szczegółowo opisanej w książce.

Ludwik Wołowski. Rewolucjonista, bankier, liberał

Osiągnięcia Ludwika Wołowskiego do dziś nie zostały należycie docenione. Powstaniec, naukowiec, orator, polityk, wreszcie współtwórca jednego z najważniejszych banków XIX-wiecznej Europy nadal pozostaje bardziej znany we Francji niż w Polsce, choć to jeden z najwybitniejszych przedstawicieli Wielkiej Emigracji.

Zapomniany holokaust. Zagłada Romów i Sinti w literaturze

Punktem wyjścia do rozważań o zagładzie Romów i Sinti w literaturze polskiej musi być stwierdzenie bardzo skromnej obecności tej tematyki. Nie inaczej jest z ludobójstwem Ormian, masakrą w Srebrenicy, nazistowską eksterminacją osób chorych psychicznie – literatura polska nie wydaje się być specjalnie tymi problemami zainteresowana. Do takiego wniosku prowadzi lektura przełomowej książki prof. Arkadiusza Morawca, w której badacz opisuje przypadki Literatury polskiej wobec ludobójstwa. Jest jednak kilka utworów dotyczących zagłady Romów, o których nie można zapomnieć.

Gazetki ścienne

W styczniu 1949 roku we Wrocławiu odbyła się konferencja korespondentów i redaktorów gazetek ściennych. Tematyka prasy zdominowała niemal cały trzeci numer jidyszowego „Niderszlezje” z tego roku.

Biblia LGBTQ+

Na koniec tradycyjnie już dwa świetne queerowe komentarze do Biblii, stanowiące przeciwwagę dla tradycyjnych komentarzy rabina Jonathana Sacksa, publikowanych co tydzień na naszej stronie. Pierwszy z nich do parszy Lech lecha, drugi do Wa-jera.

Zapraszamy do lektury

Jubileuszowy, pogrzebowy „Chidusz” dostępny od piątku (19.10.2018) w Empikach oraz na Zapraszamy również do księgarń żydowskich we Wrocławiu (synagoga), Warszawie (POLIN I ŻIH) i Krakowie (Jarden oraz Austeria), a najbardziej do prenumeraty

wpw-kolorPartnerem wydawniczym noworocznego „Chiduszu” jest Strefa Kultury Wrocław w ramach Wrocławskiego Programu Wydawniczego.

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The dangerous illusion of absolute security

The dangerous illusion of absolute security

Yoram Yuval

Yoram Yuval / Photo: IDF Spokesmans Unit

Op-ed: We need to acknowledge that no high-tech defense system can provide absolute security, even if time and time again our politicians lead us to believe otherwise; this is dangerous nonsense that will blow up in our faces; we must heed and internalize the instructions of the Home Front Command, like Miri Tamano, who saved 3 children when a missile struck her home.

IDF Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Ronen Manlis said a simple truth this week. This truth must be said, and everyone who lives in Israel must hear it, and internalize it too. It is the truth that our politicians do not want to tell us about the Iron DomeDavid’s Sling and the other expensive defense systems: “The system’s defense capability is not hermetic. What saved the day were the correct actions of a citizen,” the IDF spokesman said after a rocket hit a residence in Be’er Sheva.

That is the truth; and we need, and can, live with this truth. Protection, any protection, will never be perfect. The illusion of absolute security, which our politicians pretend to demonstrate to us time and time again, is seductive but also a flawed and dangerous illusion.

Iron Dome missile defense (Photo: Roi Idan)

This is not the first time that the IDF has been forced to do the dirty and unpopular work for the politicians on behalf of the Israeli public, and will almost certainly not be the last time.

Even the coalition members, who do not say so explicitly, constantly emphasize Israel’s wonderful defense capabilities. They lead us to believe that the Israeli home front is on its way to being completely protected, hinting that we will all soon live in safety under a multi-layered defense shield of the Iron Dome, David Sling, the technological barrier around the Gaza Strip and other amazing and expensive defense systems that will protect us from harm.

It is written in the monthly prayer for the sanctification of the new moon: “Just as I leap (and dance) opposite you and cannot touch you, so may my enemies be unable to touch me for harm.” Our politicians lead us to believe that when crunch time arrives, the Iron Dome will ensure that hundreds of thousands of Hezbollah and Hamas rockets will not harm us.

This is not just false, it is utter nonsense; nonsense that will smack us in the face during the next major military confrontation, as it did this week in the apartment of Miri Tamano and her three children in Be’er Sheva.

Tamano home after a rocket strike (Photo: Barel Efraim)

Anyone who suggests that we can, now or in the future, be totally protected from harm on the home front, thanks to our defensive missile systems—is simply lying to us.

Why do politicians insist on lying to us?

About two months ago, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented the “Security Concept 2030“. Its main aim is to add enormous funds to the air defense and cyber defense systems at the expense of the ground forces. In other words, strengthening the home front defenses, at the cost of eroding IDF’s ability to achieve a swift and decisive victory on land.

“Rest assured,” the politicians say, “we are watching over you. Vote for us, and we will spare no amount of money so that you are completely protected.”

But why? Why do politicians insist on lying to us over and over again by telling us about the wonders of Israel’s impenetrable defense technology? Why are they telling us that high-tech missiles will protect us from all evil and thwart any possibility of harming Israel’s citizens?

The answer is human nature—we very much want to hear it and believe it.

Iranian ballistic missiles

Our politicians, clever and efficient at marketing, are always happy to soft-soap us. Who does not want absolute security for themselves and their family? And who is unwilling to pay any price, and vote for any candidate in order to attain this confidence?

There is only one small problem: there is no such thing as absolute security; nor will there ever be. We are always living under some level of danger. Mental health is the ability to live with this knowledge, to live with doubt and in the shadow of danger, and still function normally, and feel at ease.

What we need in the home front is not blind faith in the falsehood that we are completely protected, but rather the readiness to act when attacked. The air defense systems will successfully intercept most of the missiles that would hit us, but not all of them. There is no substitute for a well-trained home front that is prepared for any challenge.

This, in fact, is what Miri Tamano, a true Israeli hero, understood this week. As her sister, attorney Ora Tamano, said: “My sister is a lioness, she slept downstairs and the children slept in three separate rooms upstairs. She simply grabbed them (upon hearing the alarm) and dragged them to the security room. It gave them life. There is nothing left of the house except for that protected room. She is special; a woman of valor. When I myself am at home, there is a dilemma whether to go to the security room or not, because we rely on the Iron Dome. She did the right thing.”

She is 100% correct. We have the means to deal with the missile threat to the Israeli home front. Our air defense systems are indeed a pride-worthy technological achievement, and they are an important element in protecting the home front. But they have cracks, and there will always have cracks. They cannot — and must not — replace vigilance and resourcefulness, readiness for quick response, and use of safety rooms.

The desire for absolute security, and hermetic defense of the home front, is a dangerous illusion. And since our politicians will not tell us this, we should listen to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit. We must be prepared to carry out the instructions of the Home Front Command, which is what Miri Tamano did, and by doing so, she saved her children’s lives. This is our true defense, which must be nurtured and practiced, even if it does not add points to politicians in the polls.

Yoram Yuval  is a psychoanalyst, psychiatrist and Israeli brain researcher, professor and head of the Brain Institute for Emotional Research at the School of Social Work, University of Haifa.

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When Jews caught “Syndrome K,” the Nazis wanted NOTHING to do with them

When Jews caught “Syndrome K,” the Nazis wanted NOTHING to do with them

   WorldJewish Congress

In 1943, a group of patients in Rome fell ill with a mysterious and infectious disease: Syndrome K. Ironically, the disease saved their lives.

The patients warded off with Syndrome K were not bothered by Nazi guards, who feared entering the room with the infectious disease. But the patients were not act ill. They were Italian Jews – and the hospital doctors thought up the fictitious disease in order to protect them from the Nazis. This is the story of those brave people.

Jewish lives were saved in World War II due to a brilliant plan by Professor Giovanni Borremeo.

“Syndrome K was put on patient papers to indicate that the sick person wasn’t sick at all, but Jewish.

The lessons of my experience were that we have to act not for the sake of self-interest, but for principles.”
– Dr. Adriano Ossicini, inventor of Syndrome K.

During the Holocaust, many righteous gentiles performed acts of kindness that can never be repaid. They put their own lives at risk to save the lives of Jewish People. They did so because they felt it was right in a world that, at the time, was filled with unfathomable wrong.

One such story is of Professor Giovanni Borremeo, who was named a Righteous Among the Nations.  He organized this fictitious disease known as Syndrome K. At least 20 Jewish People were saved because of Syndrome K.

The House of Life

The Nazis invaded Italy in the Fall of 1943, and 8,500 Jews were deported, most of them to Auschwitz. But some Jews were saved because a group of doctors in Rome diagnosed them with Syndrome K.  This made up disease was invented by Dr. Adriano Ossicini. The hospital that housed these “sick” Jews was called Fatebenefratelli.  In 2016, it was honored by the Raul Wallenberg Foundation as a “House of Life.”

Syndrome K was called “dangerously infectious,” which led the Nazis to quickly flee.  They wanted nothing to do with these “contagious” Jews. The Jews were told to cough as the Nazis came to the hospital because the Nazis were afraid of the coughing. They were afraid to catch such an “awful disease.”

And that was the miracle that saved these Jewish lives.

The Biblical Angle

In the Jewish Oral Law called the Mishna, it says “One who destroys a life, it is as if he destroyed an entire world.  Anyone who saves a life, it is as if he saved an entire world.” Even saving the life of one Jew during the Holocaust is equal to saving an entire world. And that is why any person who saved even one Jew during the Holocaust deserves to be recognized as a hero.

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