Archive | October 2022

Graffiti of knight from Middle Ages discovered in King David’s Tomb

Graffiti of knight from Middle Ages discovered in King David’s Tomb


IAA researchers discovered an inscription bearing the name and family emblem of a Swiss noble who made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1466.

An inscription bearing the name of Swiss noble Adrian von Bubenberg, discovered in King David’s Tomb in Jerusalem / (photo credit: SHAI HALEVI / ISRAEL ANTIQUITIES AUTHORITY)

A piece of graffiti bearing the name of Knight Adrian von Bubenberg along with his family emblem was discovered on the wall of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, in Israel’s capital of Jerusalem, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced on Thursday.

Found as part of the IAA’s research project documenting pilgrims’ inscriptions, the researchers discovered the graffiti bearing the name of the Swiss noble, who was dubbed a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre following his pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1466.

More than 40 inscriptions belonging to both Christian and Muslim pilgrims, in several languages, were discovered during the IAA’s project.

The research results were announced in a conference titled New Archaeological Studies in Jerusalem and the Vicinity, jointly held with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University on Wednesday.

Who was Adrian von Bubenberg?

Bubenberg, born in 1424, was labeled a Swiss national hero for military conquests across Europe, specifically in the Battle of Morat, fought as part of the Burgundian Wars of the 15th century.

He died in 1479 and was buried in the Bern Minster, the cathedral of Switzerland’s de-facto capital Bern, where he was mayor for three separate terms.

A bronze monument displaying the likeness of von Bubenberg can be found in the Swiss capital’s old city, in the Bubenbergplatz Plaza, named after the Middle Ages nobleman.

Statue of Adrian von Bubenberg, in Bern, Switzerland (credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Why was his name inscribed on the walls of King David’s Tomb?

The IAA project leaders, Michael Chernin and Shai Halevi, explained that “in the Mamluk period [of control of the Land of Israel], the building complex adjacent to the traditional tomb of King David was owned by the monks of the Franciscan Catholic Order.

“The building served as a monastery and a hostel for the Western pilgrims, who left their mark on the walls,” they said, noting that “technological methods developed today enable reading the faded inscriptions.”

These technologies use multispectral photography, the IAA said. By using different wavelengths invisible to the human eye, these ancient inscriptions that have since faded and been erased can be viewed.

“Believers, pilgrims and visitors seeking to make contact with sanctified Jerusalem, left traces that the IAA researchers reveal and record on a daily basis,” according to authority director Eli Escusido. 

“All these remains contribute to the fascinating picture,” he said: “Research carried out in Jerusalem embraces religions and cultures worldwide.”

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UN Commission Announces Investigation of Israeli ‘Apartheid’

UN Commission Announces Investigation of Israeli ‘Apartheid’

Dion J. Pierre

StandWithUs holds a press conference outside the headquarters of the United Nations in New York, featuring Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan, October 27, 2022. Photo: Dion J. Pierre

A UN commission announced Thursday that it will investigate the allegation that Israel is an “apartheid state,” eliciting strong rebuke from pro-Israel organizations.

“We’re focusing on the root cause, which is the occupation, and part of it lies in apartheid,” said Navi Pillay, a member of the United Nations’ Commission of Inquiry on Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza (COI). “We will be coming to that. That’s the beauty of this open-ended mandate. It gives us the scope.”

Commissioner Miloon Kothari, who in July made comments about the undue influence of a so-called “Jewish lobby” on the media, said the COI would “have to look at issues of settler colonialism.”

“Apartheid itself is a very useful paradigm, so we have a slightly different approach, but we will definitely get to it,” he added.

The COI’s announcement follows the release of its second report on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Commission was established last year following the 11-day war between Israel and Gaza’s ruling Hamas group in May. COI is the first UN commission to ever be granted an indefinite period of investigation, which has drawn criticism from the US State Department, members of US Congress, and Jewish leaders across the world.

StandWithUs, a nonprofit that educates the public about Israel and raises awareness of antisemitism, denounced the commission for its anti-Israel bias, at a press conference outside the United Nations headquarters in New York on Thursday.

“Dozens of organizations stood together against the hateful, predetermined, manipulative report by the United Nations Human Rights Council’s ‘Commission of Inquiry’ against Israel,” StandWithUs CEO Roz Rothstein told The Algemeiner. “People around the world who appreciate truth and stand against anti-Jewish bigotry should be proud.”

South African lawyer Olga Meshoe-Washington of the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel (IBSI) also disputed the commission’s allegations that Israel is an apartheid state.

“Shame on the commission for continuing to appropriate the history of my people and trivializing my family’s pain, under the banner of human rights,” she said. “It erases the very real, very lived experience of the brutality of apartheid; a reality that includes millions of Black South Africans fleeing their country and living in exile under fear of persecution purely because of the color of their skin. This is not Israel.”

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan also spoke, arguing that “this is a council that has condemned Israel, a liberal democracy, more than Iran, Syria, and North Korea.”

“Today, it’s no longer politically correct to blame Jews for all the world’s problems, so antisemites adapt,” he said. “Rather than burning Jews at the stake, antisemites burn the Jewish state at the stake.”

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Grabowski pozwał Wildsteina. “Zwykle ignoruję głupstwa wypisywane na mój temat, ale nie tym razem”

Minister Piotr Gliński (z lewej) i Bronisław Wildstein podczas odsłonięcia pomnika Stanisława Pyjasa w Krakowie. 7 maja 2019 r. (Fot. Jakub Porzycki / Agencja

Grabowski pozwał Wildsteina. “Zwykle ignoruję głupstwa wypisywane na mój temat, ale nie tym razem”

Mirosław Maciorowski

Jeden z najbardziej znanych polskich badaczy Holokaustu, prof. Jan Grabowski, zarzucił jednemu z najżarliwszych propisowskich publicystów i urzędników, Bronisławowi Wildsteinowi, naruszenie dóbr osobistych.

Na początku sierpnia Wildstein został powołany przez ministra kultury Piotra Glińskiego na członka rady Muzeum Żydów „Polin”, a miesiąc później do rady Zamku Królewskiego w Warszawie. Jeszcze przed tymi nominacjami portal ujawnił kolejne maile ze skrzynki ministra Michała Dworczyka, tym razem wymienione w 2018 r. między Wildsteinem, premierem Mateuszem Morawieckim i jego dwoma doradcami.

Mateusz Morawiecki i Bronisław Wildstein.

Mateusz Morawiecki i Bronisław Wildstein.  Fot. Kuba Atys/Agencja i Michal Wozniak/East News

Wynikało z nich, że Wildstein namawia premiera, aby przejąć kontrolę nad polskimi instytucjami zajmującymi się badaniem Holokaustu i stosunkami polsko-izraelskimi, wprowadzając do nich „naszych ludzi”. Radził też Morawieckiemu podjęcie działań, aby „polską martyrologię wypromować na żydowskiej”. Oferował przy tym własne usługi oraz swojego syna, Dawida, wówczas jednego z ważniejszych członków kadry zarządzającej w TVP.

Czy premier posłuchał “Bronka”?

Jan Grabowski skomentował maile i zawarte w nich informacje na oraz na łamach „Ale Historia”. Pisał tak:

„Nie jest jasne, jak wielką moc sprawczą miała sugestia >>Bronka<< [tak premier zwraca się do Wildsteina], aby polską martyrologię promować za pomocą martyrologii żydowskiej, ale strategia >>podłączania<< polskiego cierpienia pod tragedię żydowską stała się jednym z leitmotivów polskiej polityki historycznej w ciągu ostatnich lat. Przykładów nie trzeba szukać daleko: w przekazie oficjalnym obóz zagłady Treblinka II miesza się z obozem pracy Treblinka I, podobnie rzecz się ma z obozem zagłady Auschwitz II i obozem koncentracyjnym Auschwitz I, nazwa Treblinka zostaje >>zajęta<< na rzecz polskiej martyrologii na skutek skandalicznych działań Instytutu Pileckiego [instytucji powołanej za rządów PiS i całkowicie przez niego kontrolowanej], a Muzeum w Auschwitz w mediach społecznościowych >>polonizuje<< komory gazowe Birkenau”.

Prof. Jan GrabowskiProf. Jan Grabowski  Fot. Dawid Żuchowicz / Agencja / Dawid Żuchowicz

Wildstein oskarża i obraża

Kilka dni później Wildstein udzielił wywiadu internetowemu „Tygodnikowi TVP, w którym skrytykował część polskich badaczy Holokaustu. Zarzucił im wykorzystywanie wojennej tragedii do uderzania w polską tożsamość. „Są pseudobadacze, którzy tak robią” – stwierdził. A gdy przeprowadzający wywiad dopytał, kogo ma na myśli, odparł, że właśnie Grabowskiego. Zdaniem Wildsteina, choć Grabowski od lat bada losy polskich Żydów w czasie wojny i jest pracownikiem naukowym Uniwersytetu w Ottawie, „nie jest żadnym badaczem, ale osobnikiem, który nienawidzi Polski i usiłuje ją pokazać w najgorszym świetle. Opowiada bzdury o setkach tysięcy Żydów mordowanych przez Polaków w czasie II wojny światowej. Na potwierdzenie swoich opowieści nie ma żadnych dokumentów, ale udaje mu się uzyskać spory rezonans”.

Grabowski: Musiałem zareagować

– Zazwyczaj staram się ignorować toksyczne głupstwa wypisywane na mój temat przez polskich funkcjonariuszy państwowych, w tym przez urzędników od historii pracujących w „instytucjach kontroli pamięci”, takich jak IPN czy Instytut Pileckiego. Tym razem jednak postanowiłem zrobić wyjątek – mówi prof. Grabowski. – Nie mogę zostawić bez reakcji kłamliwych wynurzeń na mój temat .

Grabowski tłumaczy, że wbrew ocenie Wildsteina wszystkie jego działania, praca badawcza, dydaktyczna i publicystyczna są podyktowane właśnie interesem Polski.

– W moim przekonaniu lepiej jej się przysłuży odkrywanie nawet najboleśniejszych faktów ze wspólnej polsko-żydowskiej przeszłości niż przemilczanie ich i zamiatanie pod dywan. A na pewno znacznie bardziej Polsce szkodzą działania takich osób, którym raczej nie chodzi o odkrywanie żadnej prawdy, ale o to, by „polską martyrologię wypromować na żydowskiej”.

Prof. Grabowski chce, by Wildstein publicznie go przeprosił za obrzucenie wyzwiskami oraz wpłacił na konto jednego ze stowarzyszeń zrzeszających Ocalałych z Zagłady 50 tys. zł. Jego pozew wpłynął do Sądu Okręgowego w Warszawie we wtorek.

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‘Diplomatic Achievement’: Israel Signs Lebanon Border Agreement, Ending Decades-Long Dispute

‘Diplomatic Achievement’: Israel Signs Lebanon Border Agreement, Ending Decades-Long Dispute

Sharon Wrobel

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid at a signing ceremony for the Israel-Lebanon Maritime Border Argreement Credit: Amos Ben-Gershom (GPO)

Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Thursday signed the US-mediated maritime border agreement with Lebanon resolving a decades-long dispute over territorial rights and the exploitation of gas reserves in the Mediterranean Sea.

“This agreement strengthens Israel’s security and our freedom of action against Hezbollah and the threats to our north,” Lapid remarked at the start of the special cabinet meeting for the approval of the maritime agreement. “There is rare consensus in the security establishment regarding the necessity of this agreement.”

Lapid noted that Defense Minister Benny Gantz, the IDF, the Mossad, and the security establishment backed the agreement and its necessity for Israel’s security and operational needs. The breakthrough of the landmark deal mediated by US envoy Amos Hochstein comes just days before Israel is headed to its fifth election within three and a half years on Nov. 1.

The signing ceremony was held at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem after Israel’s cabinet convened to vote on the approval of the maritime boundary agreement between the two countries which don’t have diplomatic relations. Earlier Lebanese President Michel Aoun signed a letter approving the deal in Baada.

Lapid hailed the agreement as a “historic” and “tremendous achievement” by the government contributing to national “security, economically, diplomatically, and in energy.”

“It is not every day that an enemy country recognizes the State of Israel, in a written agreement, in view of the international community,” Lapid asserted. “It is not every day the United States and France stand behind us and provide security and economic guarantees for an agreement.”

During the ongoing indirect talks leading up to the formulation of the agreement, the head of Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorist organization Hassan Nasrallah escalated threats to attack Israeli targets in the Karish gas field, located south of the previously contested sea border area, if there is no understanding on the maritime border demarcation.

According to Orna Mizrahi, a senior analyst at the Institute for National Security Studies, the agreement is a compromise but serves the interests and benefits of both countries in terms of regional stability and security that in turn may attract more investment to develop gas reserves.

A permanent demarcation of the maritime border between two countries can be viewed as Lebanese recognition of Israel, according to Mizrahi.

“Despite the indirect talks and the Lebanese effort to prevent any sign of normalization, due to Hezbollah’s determined opposition, the agreement reflects a fundamental change in the relations between the two states,” Mizrahi said. “It pulls the rug out from under Hezbollah’s claims that Israel is an illegitimate entity that should not be recognized; proves that Hezbollah is not omnipotent in Lebanon and is also forced to compromise; and may contribute to a positive change in the Lebanese public’s perception of Israel and create an opening for future progress in relations.”

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News From Israel- October 26, 2022

News From Israel- October 26, 2022

ILTV Israel News

Israeli President Herzog making a splash in Washington D.C…

Israelis gearing up for the fifth serial election this time next week…

And a new technological innovation providing Israeli researchers with a unique new way to date ancient historical events.

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